Olev sheathed his sword. He took a look around the carnage. He saw the bodies of two of his own men. They had been killed by a group of raiders that lived nearby. Olev's clan had been for year trying to route them from this area. Sadly it has proved ineffective. They always managed to evade them. But this year they wouldn't. In the most recent skirmish his clan had managed to capture and subdue two of their warriors. With these two POW's they would be able to find out where their base of operation was, either the easy was or the hard way. "Take the two! Make sure they are bound right and double check them for anything they would use to escape. Loot of the deads items. Take all clothes, food, weapons. Whatever might be of use." He shouted out. He pointed to two women. "Prepare a burial. We've lost two of our own." The women nodded and ran off to tell the chieftain about the loss and the need for a burial. Olev walked to the two warriors who had fallen. These two men had died honorably. They would have a spot reserved for them in Shoyla's hall. (Shoyla is their God of gods he is the ruler of the gods. Similar to Odin.). He and another one of his men moved both of the bodies back to the village they had earned the fire. The two would be burnt with what they died wearing as well as their axes. Their sword and anything else would be repurposed. After they are burnt they clan would hold a small celebration in their name. The burning wouldn't be until tonight. He would have time first to visit the prisoners. Olev walked into the repurposed barn that was made into their jail. "Where are the prisoners?" He said in his language. The guards pointed to the two cells. "Are they going to be executed or slaved?" The older guard asked. " first they are going to tell us where the head quarters is. After that it depends. Ole walked into the jail cell and took out the younger of the two and dragged him into a separate room. " I will be examining this one." He called to the guards. "Wake up!" He harshly said to the prisoner while throwing a bucket of cold water on him. The prion see jolted awake. He looked are confused as to why he was bound. " welcome to my clans home. Where you decided to attack. You will tell me where your base is. If you don't." Oleg says as he pulls out a heavy saex ( it a very heavy knife. Could be classified as a short sword.) and stabs into the wood. " this is what will happen." The prisoner jumps a little he knew the might and ferociousness of these warriors. He honestly didn't want to die. He was forced into banditry so he didn't hold much loyalty to them. "Look I really don't want to hurt you. In fact if you tell me where it is you'll be allowed to live. You'll serve my clan as a slave for four years. Then you'll be allowed to live among us and one of us. " Olev said. Olev knew that most people took the opportunity to live. The raider nodded his head. He would talk. He didn't want to die he was only 17. " They are in a small cave two kilometers from here. The entrance is covered by two car doors. Once inside you can easily kill them. They won't expect a attack. There should be at most eight others there. You managed to kill most of us here. " the kid raider said. Olev smiled. " thank you" Olev walked out of the room and motioned for the guards. " take him into a separate room. "Kill the older one. The young one gets to be slaved. Prepare the razor." Olev said. With that he went to the chieftain and told him they would prepare a groups of 8 men to attack. Olev would lead it. But for now he would attend the burial and the feast. (Note if you are slaved you have to serve four years then you are free to live among them. All crimes forgiven. If you are male you have a single testicle removed to lower the chance of birth. For woman they are allowed to only have one child. If they are slaved. If they have more the child is killed unless the mother wants to leave the clan.)