Sandman's eyes darted towards the Shadow Spirit, a glare in his eyes as he made eye contact with Jackson before he continued in his usual tone, though he may of sounded more annoyed if anything. He turned to face the creature of darkness, his eyes cold as they focused on the fake black ticket which had been conjured out of thin air with his shadowy magic. "You all know how we do things around here. The portal to the human realm is in the basement, of course, and when we get there, we will make it a point to find these people. But when we're there, there will be no funny business. No trickery, no tomfoolery, and especially no killing or injuring," He looked at each one of the spirits before his eyes fell to the beast. "I'm sorry, Beast, but you'll need to revert to your human form and let yourself in... I don't think you're going to get to the basement like that," He added, giving a nod to the creature's bulky appearance in true form. "Don't worry - We'll wait till you get here. It's important we all go. And especially important that we stay together at least with one other. So choose now who you want to stick with whilst we're there...I don't want to hear any complaining like the last time,"