Illiendi watched as a man with confidence might watch his master slip down the ropes until back aboard the ship, that quiet confidence could be mistaken for confidence in his master, which was partially true perhaps but the rest came from the confidence the demon had for catching his master should he fall. Once addressed by his master he gives a small nod and turns to listen to the Captain with him, he gives a faint smile at the notion that he was trying to kill the man and replied, "I would be out of a job if I killed [b] my master[/b] it would be awfully counter productive of me to do anything that wasn't beneficial to him." So yes he was putting Amano in danger but it would be that very danger that turned him from some lord's least loved son into a Lord in his own right, with his own name and his own wealth. While many adventurers died unknown in their time they lived as hero's in the books of history, Amano would be a rich man but he'd also have a name that echoed in time. That would be true success, something his father would rot in hell knowing he himself would never have. Of course it was a long way to get there, adventures alone made for nothing but good stories and every sailor from here to the black sea had stories. They needed treasures, artifacts, new discoveries, new worlds and that was what Illiendi planned to give the man. When addressed by Amano himself he turned to face his master, though only his head truly moved and the rest of him made statuesque, straight and tall. "Why [b]my master[/b] I believe you have succeeded in everything you intended to set out to do here today. You have many other stops planned today so we should bid the good Captain adieu and make him aware he may send a courier to your Father's abode should he need anything more from you." Illiendi had no desire for 'credit', he would be here for a brief sneeze of time and people's opinions of him mattered as little as the opinions of a snail mattered to the leopard. Amano was the name that was to be built upon, him and him alone was the one who would have the legacy. Why when it came to writing the books of his history Illiendi would likely be entirely absent, forgotten like the fog of morning. That was the way it always had been and always would be, it was the necessary way of things. A few people, those more attuned to 'their world' were capable of remembering things, that's where stories of demons and angels and many other creatures came from but those who were not attuned often forgot over the months that followed the demons departure. No demon, or angel's, works could be remembered, for then humanity would hound them more for their powers than already they did. Summoning them so that every human could have a chance at fame, fortune, beauty, whatever their greedy hearts could conceive and while this would do wonders for hell there had to be balance. Leading his master from the ship once the goodbyes were made he would once more follow behind the man and utter quietly, out of ear shot of the Captain, "I will take the liberty to purchase the barrels at the end of our trip today with your permission [b]my master[/b]. Where do you think we ought to visit next?"