Rachel was sure her face was pale as a bed sheet at the boy's offer. She hated horses, any kind feathered or not it didn't matter. And horses hated her, ever since she was a girl. Horseback riding was her bane, and just about everyone who knew her knew that. As such she never willingly rides one if she can avoid it. Still her feet were tired after all the walking, this village wasn't really the closest to the capital. And if there were bandits about, the backup and skillset this young man could provide might prove invaluable. So with that she grit her teeth and made her decision. "Yes I would greatly appreciate a ride good sir." She drew her hood even tighter to avoid being seen and her hands were, for now stuffed into the pockets of her coat so the young Pegasus Rider wouldn't notice the trembling. Oh yes, Rachel was terrified, terrified at the very thought of it. She couldn't imagine what would happen once they got going.