[i]"You all know how we do things around here. The portal to the human realm is in the basement, of course, and when we get there, we will make it a point to find these people. But when we're there, there will be no funny business. No trickery, no tomfoolery, and especially no killing or injuring," [/i] Tilting its snout and eyeing the shadow spirit as it laughed and clapped in amusement, the beast let out a interesting huff and continued to bore all eyes on the Sandman once more, giving the enforcer spirit a critical glance...for, surely, he was leaving not a single spirit in this room unjudged in his eyes. Growling and rolling all six of its eyes, the beast let out a long breath, seeing where this discussion was heading…the curtain billowed in the hot air from its mouth, causing the dust of it to fall over the beast’s snout in the aftermath. With dust tickling its nose, the beast withdrew its head and sneezed loudly just outside of the main room’s window. After a few more loud series of sneezes, the beast reached a claw into the room and set it on the floor, before peeking it’s eyes into the room again, [b]”EXCUSE MY SNEEZING, BUT FOR A SECOND IT SOUNDED LIKE YOU WERE ASKING ME TO TAKE ON MY HUMAN FORM FOR SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS ENTERING INTO THE BUILDING…AND FOR THAT, SAAAAANDY, I WOULD HAVE TO TELL YOU TO GO FUCK YOURSELF.”[/b] The beast raked a claw over the floor before drawing it back and grabbing onto the window frame, for a few moments, there was silence as it’s claw seemed to shrink over the course of a few moments…but finally, the now cat sized beast launched itself into the main room and landed beside the Sandman. In what could almost be called apologetic, or even affectionate in some twisted way, the beast rubbed the side of its mutated body against their leader much like a cat, “I WILL ASSUME MY HUMAN FORM ONCE WE HAVE ARRIVED IN THE HUMAN REALM…AND, LET US MAKE HASTE TO DO SO! I GREATLY DESIRE TO SIT ON ONE OF YOUR HUMANS WHILST IN MY TRUE FORM.” After a moment, and catching what Kit had said…the beast clicked its teeth loudly, and continued to speak up with a volume diminished low grumbling, “THOSE UNINVOLVED WITH THE SPELL SHOULD PARTNER UP WITH INCAPABLE #1,” Tilting its head at the Sandman, “AND INCAPABLE #2.” Gesturing towards the Phantom close by.