Luciana rose from her bed, setting the thick, leather bound book back on the side table before standing at the announcement. She took her time before walking towards the door. Upon getting closer, the guard pulled open the metal door, dragging her out quickly before cuffing her - It was all routine for her now, just another procedure to go through. A new arrival was uncommon, and the thought did not amuse her - The time she scheduled for reading was being cut into by these strangers. Never the less, the black haired girl allowed herself to be escorted to the courtyard, where she wandered near to the front of the line, waiting. Watching. The bus had yet to arrive. The girl frowned - More wasted time. Her eyes narrowed on the straight road that seemed to last for miles. It seemed like only yesterday when she was brought down that very same desolate highway, so isolated from the world. In truth, it had been three years. And in those years, sure, some inmates tried to talk to her. There was only but a select few she would converse, as they were the only ones who had piqued her curiosity. The rest were just vile scum who had made either leering comments about her skin, her eyes, her frail body, or they were sickening people who planned on using their power to wreck chaos. Luciana's red eyes gazed on up at the clock, the only indication that time had not come to a stand still in this Freak Show of a Hospital. Surely the bus would be here soon, correct? Either way, she wasn't getting back to her book until she was introduced to the new inmate, at which point, she was sure to take the first opportunity to return to her cell room.