In a decaying city street a large, black wolf sniffed around the lonely street in search of something. The wolves ears pricked up as soon as it caught sight of a trail of blood, a clear signal leading to his escaping prey. He bounded in the direction of the blood trail excitedly, jumping over fallen rubble and overturned cars in his path. He followed the blood until it stopped suddenly. The wolf looked up and saw a wounded deer limping away slowly. The wolf's eyes glowed with the glint of a predator as it pounced on the injured animal and proceeded to sink it's teeth into the deer's neck. Once the deer stopped struggling the wolf dropped it from its maw. It gazed down at it's most recent kill and let out a victorious howl. The wolf then started to stretch out as its body started to shrink and its fur started to recede until their was a man in it's place. Clyde stretched trying to readjust to his human form. "Finally! You were pain to track y'know." he then looked down at the corpse. "Now I'm going to have to drag you back somehow."