Makoto was sitting with his back against the cold brick wall of his cell. Golden eyes were pointed at the ceiling as he focused on his nervous system. Everything was out of whack again, causing stabbing pain in his right side, along the sensitive scar tissue of a long since healed knife wound. All he had to do to fix it was regulate the electrical impulses in his nerves. Easier said than done, but he could do it. That was one of the many prices of being able to control electricity. Another was being in this cell. Having been captured, even after his boys had tried so hard to protect him, he was stuck in the Hospital. At least until he found a way out. And he would, he was a fighter to the end. He breathed a sigh of relief as he managed to fix everything. The pain subsided almost instantly as his nerves returned to normal. Just in time too, there was an announcement that two new 'freaks' would be arriving. Makoto didn't like the term freak, he preferred special, or badass, they're different so we're going to lock them up. He turned his attention to the door to his cell, seeing the two guards he let out a low growl. But he got up anyway, some battles weren't worth fighting. The guards knew not to actually touch him. He was a fighter, and even through the cuffs he could cause a nasty jolt. Last time a guard had touched him, the man's heart had stopped. So when he got close enough, the one holding the cuffs put them on his carefully. Never making contact with the Yazuka leader's skin. He was one of, if not the, most dangerous thing here. He was used to fighting, he could take a hit, his power was made for fighting. And the dragon on his back reminded him that he needed to get out and get back to his boys. His right hand man was more than capable of running the Azure Dragon while he was gone. But the gang needed its rightful leader to survive long term.