[b]+ Tasri @FernStone +[/b] All the while Kasumi and Zaria had practiced their Blood magic they had been watched. It had taken Tasri's entire will to restrain herself from swooping down next to them to shield the Mythin. The heartbreaking choices visibly pained the rare Natrelmon, sensing the exact moment the Mythin's life force vanished from the world. However, it was not yet the end of this Mythin's journey. The moment Kasumi left, the purple-white fenghuang revealed itself, landing in the clearing near the body of the Mythin, filling the area with a soft, soothing light. The same beauty extended to the mental tone projected directly into Zaria's mind. "You have assisted in committing an act of the utmost atrocity," the bird lamented, silver bits of light seeming to fall from its body, "The innocent are not to be used like you have." The glow intensified, as a singular drop fell from it's eyes, landing on the Mythin's corpse. A small white fire began to burn across its body before the Mythin rose once again from the ground, clearly terrified. It quickly flew away from the site, keeping Tasri between itself and Zaria. "You have time to repent for what you have done," Tasri projected again, clearly holding back a powerful force, "You are not yet lost to this world. I can help you find your way back. The choices you are making are leading you down a path that could bring you and all you love to ruin, as you are not the first to make these choices." Tasri's light seemed to beckon Zaria into it, to approach the bird of legends, towards a condensed sphere of light that floated a few feet in front of it, "Place your hand in the light and begin the steps of repentance. You must be willing to do this or it shall not work. Deception does not work on my kind, so tread carefully." Despite the power Tasri had, it was clear that there was no intention to cause harm to Zaria, provided Zaria didn't try to harm Tasri. Tasri's pleas were out of genuine desire to help Zaria find a way back onto the path that she had just further strayed from with her actions against the Mythin. Most of her kind followed a certain set of rules governing their interactions with mortals. Restricting free will was frowned upon, although most acknowledge it became necessary at times to force people into certain choices, lest they destroy Atren itself. Sadly, since last they walked the earth in mortal body, humans had become increasingly more volatile.