[hider=#1] [IMG]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/1f/a7/a3/1fa7a3287e14e4ff3a3d17c248c5fbb8.jpg[/IMG] Warm coat. Hide or leather or fur, with fur trimmings probably. easy to move in, and never shorter than knee length. Usually worn with trousers or a long skirt.[/hider] [hider=#2] [IMG]http://the-rosenrot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Issey-miyake-haat-1.jpg[/IMG] The kind of wear one would wear under the coat or by itself. Notice her pants are bulky, without restricting movement or losing heat. They are good pants for squatting, crouching, kneeling, sitting, as they don't bend or stretch as other pants do, making this sort of movement easier. Her clothes are not ornate and are very loose and bulky. Again, this makes for better movement, and the sweater keeps the shoulders of the shirt from slipping down farther than they need to be. Practicality over sexiness. [/hider] [hider=#3] [IMG]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/39/e5/f6/39e5f6ef18374b66c64cccef3bf7bef5.jpg[/IMG] A different kind of wear, this one relies less on warmth and range of motions than it does speed and fluidity. The tight pants, made from thin hide and leather, slim the legs, minimalizing touching so that the wearer can run without their own legs getting in the way. The same with the sleeves, the whole assortment covered by the wool tunic/hood combo, both for modesty's sake and warmth. Not recommended for winter weather, unless you have a coat.[/hider]