[b]Kyzan[/b] Kyzan shoved her little finger in her ear and flicked out a small bit of wax. "I will never understand how you humans can live with this crap clogging your ears." she muttered. Suddenly the Ulitmatrix symbol began flashing red and buzzing. "Time out? But... Gotta go." she ran to the bathroom and locked herself inside and changed back. "Finally out of that monkey-suit... Crap... Seems like the limiter was forced back on... Fuck... Right, we need something good." she muttered as the dial came up, most of the holograms of the aliens she passed through were simply displayed as a pixalated mess, but luckily, one of her favourites was still available. "Just the guy I was looking for." Pressing down the dial, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjUHCnE9mWo&feature=youtu.be&t=1s]she transformed, her feet elongating, her skin turning blue and black as large wings grew from her back.[/url] "BIG-" she grabbed her mouth to stop her from saying that name. "I swear Tennyson, when I get my hands on you, I'm going to strangle you with your own stupidity..." she seethed. Unfortunately, Tennyson had taught all of the aliens in the Codon Stream to say his stupid pet-names for them when they were accessed... She couldn't stand the names, like they were chosen by a 10 year old." [url=http://ben-10-big-chill.webs.com/op.1.jpg]Her wings closed around her like a cowl[/url] and she turned Intangible. (Becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye and able to move through solid objects... Unfortunately, it is a conscious act, rather than a reflex action, so using it in battle was difficult. It was also incapable of passing through Lead or other intangible beings.) Stepping through the door she looked before slowly walking towards the front door.