"Oh but I do. If the guards were to know it disturbed me, then they would move me closer to your cell. They aren't supposed to, but Mary St. Jude is just like a Freak Show at the circus for them," Luciana gave a subtle nod towards the hospital that they had been brought to before looking up at the male. She raised an eyebrow as he mentioned the cuffs being merciful and she shrugged. "Well, they are for some people, and aren't for others. Some of us have a power that is more passive and it constantly afflicts them where as others like myself have to actually have to trigger the use of such a power," She explained, only using her experience to give the new inmate a better understanding of the prisoners within the hospital. Soon, there was silence between them, and eventually it was broken by a question - [i]How long have you been here?[/i] - Well, that was a tricky one. Her red eyes went up to the clock as she tried to think of when she was captured as a runaway. "...I was 15 when they brought me in. I've been in here for at least three years, as I'm 18 now. They caught me when I was trying to flee the country - The plane never got a chance to even set off and I was dragged off it where they threw me into a van and took me here," She explained, gesturing for the male to follow her to where the other inmates were lined up to welcome the new arrivals. "My name is Luciana. What's yours?" She asked, tilting her head somewhat in his direction. "Might as well know each others names - I'd rather not call you 'That guy who is two cells down from me'"