There were enough casualties, there was more than enough damage. When Tyra Zhen had arrived on the scene that all but assured this detainment was successful, it saved the teen further ridicule. He soon passed out after breaking his arm in three places, as his face hit the cold ground, he was hobbled over, unconscious. "Talk about ant-climactic...shame." Salforge let out a dull sigh, soon capturing the attention of the latest arrival. Meeting with a key blade near him, or at least thats what it looked like to the mercenary, he had an issue regarding personal space so he naturally swayed away from it instinctively. "Hey superstar, watch where you're pointing that probe of black death." She inquired about him, the state of his heart seemed to be everyone's question. "It's complicated and personal, leave it there." as he retorted with an aversion, he turned to Ryoko whom had been fuming. At that point the teen reeled and turned over in his stead collapsing, unconscious. The mercenary lifted him and slung him over his shoulders. "Lets take him back for questioning." Taking but a step, the ice cracked under the weight of Salforge's increased density, within moments, all three of them had vanished from the alley. ------- Later ------- "Talk?" Gavin inflected with genuine befuddlement. "About...?" He took a time to process the question, it was a strong implication that Ryoko was doing her damnedest to stick. He had no "information" he was a freedom fighter on the other hand. Perhaps it was a show of the youth's pristine sense of duty. However, the prism locked away inside of him made sure that when he died, that was it. No zombie bullshit, no reincarnation, when your dead your pretty much nutrients for the earth, screw God or whatever the faith was. "Oh, the assault charges? You two looked strong, I lost my self-control..." he sighed, twitching his right arm. Fragments of ice were seeping in between the ligament cracks attempting to force fuse his limbs. The prism was finally being useful, not at the speed he'd like, but wounds would heal in a matter of days. The process was crawl speed slow and gradual, Gavin had tamed his darkness to act in a subtle manner used for purposes other than aggression. Confiding in his noesis concealment was very loosely an issue here. ---------- \\Salforge ---------- It didn't take long for the day to draw near its end. The moon was out yet Hollow Bastion was very black, things were cloaked within the night of a dimly lit moon. Most of what covered the floors, streets, and there arounds, were dimly cast shadows from buildings. Inside of the castle, the factory the mercenary lingered a bit. Tyra Zhen seemed to fit the description of a magnet with how she hovered over the mercenary. He got it, he was new, understandable, but perhaps it was a bit impulsive or downright too much to anticipate professionalism throughout each body in imperial forces. 'Lets not do this today. Or ever.' he thought, then rolling his eyes. "Yeah? Tyra Zhen if I'm not mistaken? Could you try giving me some space? Food for thought." he came off brusque and sardonic, typical for those that spoke to him and he expressed his disinterest in this way where in some cultures, being insensitive was some how treated as being familiar with another human? Absurd, if you were going to be a certain way, it should mean one iteration of behavior is treated literally, not leaving someone else to guess at what it means. Salforge never left people to guess at him, saying it out right is something he did exceedingly well. Hearing the sounds of gears spin and turn was a little more painstaking than it looked, hell...sounded even.