(So sorry about this, guys! I'm visiting the family this week from college, and didn't anticipate a couple things. Don't worry, this'll never happen again.) Shor'Gen released what could have been either a chuckle, or a growl. The line between both was pretty thin, but Shor'Gen made no motion to suggest it had offended him. "Sonar is such a primitive word for it. How can I describe it for you..." Shor'Gen started, directing his head towards the ground. He was like this for a few seconds, thinking. "It's like I have eyes, but I cannot see color. The tendrils on my head resonate on the atomic level to pick up disturbances in this constant sound I give off. It's nowhere near your spectrum of hearing, and each Yug'Lonian has their own unique frequency that only they can send out, similar to a voice. Anyways, it allows me to see the distortions in my own sound field by foreign noises. What that means is that my hearing sight is so sensitive, I can pick up the waves and distortions caused by noises." Shor'Gen was pleased with his explanation, and was about to tell Daniel about this uncomfortable experience he once had with a robot that used sonar, before Gunnos interrupted. "I assure you, Security Officer Gunnos, that I take my profession much more seriously than th-" Shor'Gen immediately retreated at Gunnos' touch. The carapace he had touched was tough, and felt like it could stop a laser if it had to. "I would recommend against repeating that action in the future."