The truck drove around a corner and into the Hospital's lot where they kept the armored vans. When the doors opened, Shishi hopped out and let the guard put handcuffs on him, and was led infront of what seemed to be the other prisoners. A different guard held a tablet announced his name then Yolanda's name. The guard put the tablet away and stepped back. What did they do now? The guards didn't show any indication that they were going inside anytime right now, so he just shrugged inwardly. "Hello." he said unspecifically to the current prisoners. "I'm Shishi, furīku." he said, introducing himself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The guards didn't answer the question Ali had asked. They weren't allowed to. They stood with their rifles ready in case the new prisoners decided to cause trouble, like they usually did when they first arrived. Once the van rolled up, it would stop next to the other armored vans, two guards would walk up to the side doors and open them, having handcuffs in their hands, and they would put them on the new arrivals as they got out, then guide them to the rest of the prisoners. One of the guards would be holding a tablet of sorts, and would contain all the information on the two new prisoners. The guard would look over the male. "Shishi, furīku." Then he would look over to the female. "Yolanda Grieg." He would put away the tablet and take out his rifle, back up a bit, and the handcuffs would become a little more flexible. Whenever new prisoners were taken in, the guards would allow the current prisoners to meet the new ones.