[center][i]Kimi Iomaski Kirigakure ANBU and spymaster. Counter-attack.[/center][/i] Pressing her back against the wall, Kimi had a good view on the beast. Not that it was something hard as it was quite visible, due its huge size. For a moment, Kimi thought about her plan. She had managed to group several ANBU and they would launch their counter attack soon. The problem was that they were kind of divided. The leadership of their current Mizukage showed that they were unprepared for any assault. Kimi had some thoughts about it, growing not angry on the beast. But on the current Lady Mizukage. She had seen the anger and disappointment in the eyes of the ANBU that had gathered with her. But now wasn't the time to waste time and breath about such thoughts. Right now many civilians would be transported to safer grounds while more would be rallied in defense. The first counter attack would be with just a few ANBU groups and now, while she was this close to the rampaging beast, Kimi felt insecure. The beast was so powerful, what could a few groups of ANBU possibly do against it? Clenching her hands into fists, she narrowed her eyes and tried to regulate her breathing. Giving into such weak thoughts would lead to weak actions! And that would all lead to her death. An explosion was heard, followed by others. Kimi peeked around the corner as smoke was raised and the beast was being attacked from a distance. Grabbing three kunai, with explosive tags attached to them, she took a moment to gather her courage. [i]Here goes nothing.[/i]