[center][b]A collab between Lesli and Sketcher Summary: Katsu goes to consult his sensei about his earlier performence at the exams.[/center][/b] [hider=A sensei's opinion] After some time out with Koike, Katsu returned to the hotel, moving towards his own room. Once he'd gotten to the door, the boy stopped and after a moment's hesitation, turned and walked down the corridor. Having walked quite a bit, Katsu recalled the room number of his sensei, approaching the door. He knocked on the door a couple of times. [b]"Sensei?"[/b] Aiko slowly opened her eyes. She had slept for some time and it was pretty nice. Not really able to remember her dreams that she had during her nap, Aiko felt a bit disappointed. She wanted to stay longer asleep. Feeling that both Akimoto and Kei were next to her, Aiko sighed. She had heard somebody saying 'sensei' and had a hunch, that she was needed. Slowly pulling her arms from her children, she managed to sneak out without waking them. Kei was having her thumb in her mouth, while Akimoto had a big smile on his face. Still, she would turn to the door and see who it was. [b]''Hey, Katsu.''[/b] Aiko said on a hushed tone, smiling as she would take a step out of the room and close the door almost. [b]''How are you feeling?''[/b] Aiko asked, still keeping her voice hushes as she would then quickly inspect the boy's head. With her right hand going through his hair, to feel for any bruises and with her left to check if his chin wasn't damaged, she frowned. [b]''No pain, no?''[/b] [b]"I'm doing well,"[/b] he said in a hushed tone as well, not knowing why. [b]"Most of the pain is pretty faint."[/b] It had been hours since his match, which had ended somewhat unsatisfyingly. [b]"I was actually curious about what you thought about the match, sensei,"[/b] he said, his eyes rolling down. Pulling her hands from his head, she was looking worried for a moment. As if she was expecting he would suddenly suffer a wound or any nasty after effect of the match he had fought. When he asked her opinion, Aiko thought about it. She had her own opinion and decided it would be better if they would talk a bit about it. [b]''One second, Katsu.''[/b] Making a clone to watch over Kei and Akimoto, Aiko would close the door of her hotel room. [b]''Let's take a walk, okay?''[/b] He watched the clone walk in, trying to get a glimpse of the room itself, before turning to Aiko and nodding. Walking down the hall, Aiko thought about his question. But she wanted to sit somewhere and discuss properly about the match. [b]''How do you like Amegakure?''[/b] She asked, turning right at the corner of the hall as she was walking towards the exit of the hotel. Following her, the boy thought for a moment. [b]"It's... Pleasant, I suppose,"[/b] he said. [b]"I didn't really look around too much."[/b] He looked back for a brief moment. [b]"Do you know the village well, sensei?"[/b] he asked, turning his attention to her once more. He figured that an experienced shinobi like Aiko would've seen most of the major ninja villages even outside of the Fire Union. [b]''Not really. I have been in the countryside twice or so. Never really been into the Rain as we are now.''[/b] Aiko thought back. She felt a bit ashamed that she couldn't try to inform and talk about the city. It was indeed pleasant, though Aiko missed the more pleasant and comforting weather in Konohagakure. The abudant of water pouring down from the sky was growing to irritate her a bit. Exiting the building, Aiko felt stupid as she had forgot an umbrella. [b]''Shall we go and eat somewhere? Unless you have already lunched. Perhaps then we can try to look for a nice place to drink something?''[/b] [b]"Er... Sensei, I don't have enough money for a meal,"[/b] he uttered, remembering how the money he had was spent. He didn't seem to mind the rain pouring down heavily, and on the contrary, seemed like he was enjoying the weather. It felt good to have a change of scenery once in a while. [b]''And?''[/b] Aiko asked, looking sideways at Katsu with a growing smile. [b]''I can treat us on some lunch or drink. No need to worry about that, Katsu.''[/b] Aiko told him as she was already looking for a suitable place. But not being familiar with Amegakure, Aiko was a bit doubting what a good place would be. If she had only met Eiji and asked him about it. She had yet to find or meet with her friend, who would likely be able to give her some name or location of a place where she could enjoy a good meal. [b]''Shall we go to that place?''[/b] Aiko asked, pointing briefly at a small restaurant. It looked nice in her opinion. A bit small and cozy, was the idea she had if she had to judge from the outside. The boy looked over to the place she'd gestured to. He studied it for a moment and turned back to his sensei, giving her a smile and nodding. [b]"Looks like a great place to eat,"[/b] he said. It looked rather comfortable and calm. [b]''Come then.''[/b] Aiko beckoned him to follow as she started to head to the restaurant. Entering the place, she ordered a table for two and soon they were sitting. A waiter came to take an order from what they wished to drink and once the man walked away, Aiko sighed. She leaned a bit back and laid an arm over the back of her chair as she looked with a frown. It wasn't easy to put her opinion of Katsu's match in just a simple sentence. But he was likely either worried or curious, perhaps both, to learn what she thought of it. Feeling that she was getting tired, Aiko raised her left hand and rubbed her eyes for a moment. [b]''I will be very honest. You did it well, but you made me concerned several times.''[/b] Lowering her hand she looked more worried than stern. [b]''I noticed some good, but yet daring moves and I am not completely sure if I should applaud or lecture you. For now I think that bruises speak for themselves.''[/b] Katsu did as she said, walking right behind her. Once the raindrops stopped falling on his head, the boy stopped for a moment, turning around as if to see if anyone was there. Seeing no one familiar, to some strange surprise, Katsu walked in and sat across her. A frown and a grin appeared, repeating the cycle at least once before he looked at his teacher with a continuous and friendly smile. [b]"I didn't think I'd get through it without getting any wounds..."[/b] [b]''Rarely are there battles where one of the two will not get any wounds. What I am saying is that I saw some..''[/b] Aiko thought about it. She didn't want to offend Katsu or make him think that she wasn't proud of him. He had tried and she was very proud that he had put up a fight. However she knew her duties and being soft all the time wouldn't solve anything. [b]''Mistakes. At some points you showed that you were able to drive your opponent back, but I think we will need to work further on some fields.''[/b] Another pauze followed as Aiko briefly looked to the right, just needing to stare and think about something. [b]''So my thoughts are that your match wasn't that good.''[/b] She felt a little sting after the words left her mouth, wanting to say that she was still proud of him. But she couldn't say that. Not now. He seemed somewhat disappointed but he still had a sympathetic smile on his face, if not a pitiful one. He lowered his head a bit, rolling his eyes up to still look towards Aiko. [b]"I see... I know I kinda screwed up a good chance I was able to get after I poisoned him, which was disappointing, but..."[/b] Sighing, he raised his head once more. [b]"I'm glad my assessment was similar to yours, sensei."[/b] The bad feeling grew as she felt that she had disappointed him. Perhaps if she had invested more time, more effort in teaching as preparing him then he would have made it to the next round. Perhaps then she wouldn't need to say these kind of things and that they could just celebrate how the first rounds had went. [b]''Then we need to see how Koike will do. Which means you're free and on your own while we will be here.''[/b] Aiko told him, hoping that would cheer him a bit up. [b]''Perhaps I can see a chance to train with you while we are here, but I still want to watch two matches.''[/b] [b]"I actually want to watch the other matches too, sensei,"[/b] he said. [b]"I'm sure Koike will keep progressing through the exam so I kinda want to see what kinds of techniques the other genin have. Maybe I could see something to help Koike in the round after."[/b] A smile crossed Aiko's lips as she slowly nodded. [b]''I think he will like that.''[/b] It was still even now fun to see how the two were friends. Or perhaps she saw more than there actually was? Still, the thought of that the two were getting along that good was nice. [b]''And I think that could be helpful. There is no rule that you're not allowed to watch and learn from watching a match. After all, I am sure that others are doing that to then pass information about potential foes and opponents to their team members.''[/b] The boy nodded. [b]"Do you have other students in the exam other than Koike right now, sensei?"[/b] he asked after a pause, remembering her remark about a couple of matches that she wanted to watch. Crossing her legs as well as her arms, Aiko smiled again. [b]''I indeed have. There are several genins that have wanted me to watch their matches. Right now, other than Koike there is Shikaroku Nara. Quite the clever boy, but I suspect it has something to do with that many Nara's are clever. Or perhaps the credit goes to Hiron, who knows?''[/b] She paused as she thought about it. [b]''I also had watched the match of Kuni Sadako. She had been a student of some kind for some time. And other than you and Koike, that was about it. Unless I miss somebody.''[/b] Aiko looked a bit worried as she lifted her head up, staring at the ceiling. [b]''That would be very disappointing. Let's hope I haven't done that.''[/b] Katsu leaned back in his seat, smiling. He took a glance out the window and quickly retracted his gaze. [b]"You're quite popular, hm, sensei?"[/b] he asked bravely with a non-chalant manner, his childish grin wide as ever. He leaned forward on the table, leaning his head on his crossed arms. His words made her blink three times in a row and then she laughed shortly. [b]''I guess so. Though I hope I won't become any more popular than I am now. Might be sounding a bit silly, but I prefer to be not known all over the country or being really popular.''[/b] She also glanced out the window and continued. [b]''I like some ease and peace now and then.''[/b] The words were almost whispered out of her, but she knew that they were a bit naive. For the coming months, if not years, she wouldn't likely have that much rest while there were a lot of things to be done. [/hider]