[quote=LancerDancer]But LancerDancer will have fallen very low to assume he/she/it knows best. Does anyone have any input they want to add to the vehicle question?If you want to be that kind of thing, and get away with it, why not opt for good old fashioned horses? I'm not talking about charging into battle atop a horse, but rather, using them to manoeuvre quickly around the battlefield. A rapid response unit, in a way. I think that's how the British Dragoons operated, unless Empire Total War lied to me, the slut that it was.[/quote] Horses exist in the Fallout Universe, but they're EXTREMELY rare in the west-- the north may be a different case, but in Fallout 1/2 I recall ONE horse-- and it may have been a donkey, and obviously none in 3/NV. As far as vehicles, you got it that tanks and vertibirds are only for the very privileged, but if someone REALLY wanted a vehilce based team, why not use cars? Nothing stops a Highwayman™, once you get a few of those up and running, in the Fallout world at least, they'll last you for life, and they run on energy weapon ammo.