[center][b][i]The Second Rounds of the Chuunin Exam! The Semi-Finals! Around five days later.[/b][/i][/center] A crowd was being gathered. Everybody seemed to be curious on what would announced. There were already several bets going on, about who would make it through the semi finals. But then it became quiet as the announcer from the previous time cleared his throat. Everybody's attention was settled on the man who pulled out a small scroll and rolled it out. [b]''Good day everybody.''[/b] The announcer began. [b]''Today we have gathered to witness the second round of this chuunin exam. Before we start, we wish every participant that is on board all the luck.''[/b] The man continued on with the formalities, which annoyed and bored many a person. But eventually he came to the part where everybody was looking forward to. The part where it would be revealed what everybody wanted to know. [center][b]''On Field One, the match between Koike Hon and Reyna Azuma. At Field Two, the match will be between Shikaroku Nara and Masami Hyuuga. Field Three will house the match between Hayate Hyuzu against Kaya Irozaki.[/center][/b] After the announcement, the crowd started to gain some volume. The bets were starting again as it was known now who was fighting who. The arena's would again differ per field as Field One was composed of a lush grass field with several boulders spread over the field. While at Field Two the field was composed out of what seemed to be a simple village, much like the previous match between Hayate Hyuzu and Shiya Guujin. Only the buildings were now more built from wood. The Third Field would be a field where a river would split it in half. There would be one wooden bridge where the opponents would start from and then from there would have to fight their match. Right now the crowd was heading on their way to see how the fights would go. Who would eventually make it through this second round of the Chuunin Exam.