Makoto's eyes narrowed as two new prisoners were led out of that familiar van. He was in the back of the pack, watching from a distance. He was the leader of a gang, he understandably had some trust issues. There wasn't a single person here he could rely on to have his back. And that was the hardest thing for him to deal with. The poor new prisoners looked young. Not that Makoto was much older. But the boy couldn't have been out of high school yet. The boy's name caught his interest, Japanese. Finally another prisoner he was interested in. When the handcuffs were loosened so they could move a little more freely, Makoto flexed his hands. He wasn't interested in the girl too much, so he squeezed his way to the front. Anybody who had been here for any length of time knew that Makoto didn't interact with the new prisoners. So they would be surprised to see this. "Hey kid, the name's Kyojin Makoto." He said in the typical Japanese order and offered the kid his right hand to shake. "If anybody's giving you a hard time, just let me know and I'll take care of it. Us Japanese have to stick together." As far as Makoto knew, they were the only two Japanese in this place. Which meant they would be trying to get to the same place if they escaped. Makoto was a good fighter, but another body was always helpful. He wasn't sure whether it was selfish or unselfish of him to be thinking that way. But whatever. He wasn't even gonna zap the kid like he usually did when shaking people's hands. The looks on their faces when they realized he didn't have a joybuzzer was priceless.