Here is the new group sheet. I'll get the General sheet up sometime later today, hopefully. Let me know if there is anything you think should be changed. The unit insignia will come eventually, I guess. I am pretty shit at paint so it may take some time to get something decent done. [hider=Group Sheet][b]Army Name:[/b] 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion / Hathaway Misfits [b]Army Banner:[/b] [b]Army Specializations:[/b] The Yakima Republic's premier mechanized group, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion specializes in rapid, frontal assault with the use of armored vehicles. Armored Personnel Carriers and Infantry Fighting Vehicles make the bulk of its force, giving it the distinct ability to quickly move men safely across vast spaces, even when under fire. Its armament is largely improvised, with many of its vehicles being little more than reenforced, pre-war trucks and cars armed with machine guns and automatic grenade launchers ([url=]This[/url], but attached to vehicles). The 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion also employs the use of several artillery pieces mounted on trucks, though their use is extremely limited considering the scarcity of heavy artillery guns. A few flak guns - largely improvised and, admittedly, not always effective - are also kept around. And as a secondary role, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion serves the more supportive role of supplying troops with arms and men using its small fleet of trucks. Its supportive role is far from specialized, though, and tends to be somewhat flexible. Their vehicles can be used to supply troops, but also to bring injured back from the front line and, occasionally, to provide reconnaissance. In a world where motor vehicles are scarce, the Republic makes sure to use what little they have for anything which may be facilitated with their employment, from combat, to simply moving heavy things from point A to point B. [b]Army Origins:[/b] Made up predominately of former New California Republic mechanized infantry. Their commander, Caelan J. Hathaway was discharged following an unauthorized offensive against Caesar's Legion during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. His actions, although risky and in some ways careless, helped win the battle and save the lives of many troopers pinned down by advancing Legion forces. Officially, the decision to discharge Hathaway came purely due to his recklessness during the battle, but many believe he was discharged not for his performance, but because he was perceived a threat by General-Sit-And-Wait Oliver, who's popularity plummeted in the years leading to the battle for his inaction against the ever-encroaching Caesar's Legion. When Hathaway was discharged, many of his soldiers resigned to join him elsewhere. [b]Army Racial Composition:[/b] The 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion is made up predominantly of humans, but ghouls also serve in its ranks, usually in their own segregated units. A few Super Mutants also serve as shock troopers, but their availability is scarce. Robots have a role in the 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion, too, serving primarily in support roles like Explosive Ordinance Removal and the maintenance of vehicles. [b]Order of Battle:[/b] [i]Vanguard Company:[/i] Mechanized Infantry; armored personnel carriers and infantry-fighting vehicles. Soldiers equipped based on specific roles; infantry men carry assorted arms like assault rifles, bold-action rifles, carbines, combat knives, grenades and light armor. Equipment carried by soldiers varies based on availability, some may have all of the above, while others may lack certain pieces of equipment. Infantry with support roles may carry light machine guns (Sometimes Miniguns in the case of Super Mutants), rocket launchers, demolition charges, mortars. and occasionally wear salvaged NCR power armor (with NCR insignias scratched off). Again, equipment varies based on availability and much of it needs to be prioritized to certain units. In charge of frontal assault supported by armored vehicles and infantry-fighting vehicles. [i]Support Company:[/i] Mechanized Infantry; armored personnel carriers and supply trucks. Lightly armed and armored; assorted rifles, pistols. Some heavy ordinance may be carried, but such equipment is mostly prioritized for front line troops. When the Support Company is tasked with fortifying an area, they may be granted access to light machine guns and other such ordinance for emplacements. Salvaged power armor troops may be assigned to serve here if needed for defensive purposes. Large quantities of supplies, from ammunition to medical supplies are carried by the Support Company to be supplied to front-line troops (all, not just the mechanized units). Artillery and anti-air may be carried with them if they intend to fortify a position near the front-line, where they may engage the enemy using long-range artillery guns. [b]Additional Details:[/b] One of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion weaknesses is terrain. Harsh terrain, whether it is mud, or mountain, tends to pose a threat to the battalion, and may slow down their advancement, if not outright stop it in its tracks. Another thing which may pose problems is the availability of certain equipment needed to do their job. Sometimes, there simply isn't enough to equip every soldier with the necessities, and prioritization is a constant need. The maintenance of vehicles may also pose problems. Though certain members of the battalion are specifically trained to repair these vehicles, and are pushed to do their absolute best to keep the battalion on the move, it is simply not possible to keep every single vehicle running. Some vehicles break down and need require time to be repaired before they can rejoin the rest of the force. (I didn't specify troop numbers, or vehicle numbers, because I wasn't sure what would be acceptable. I will definitively not claim to have a ridiculous amount, though. I imagine it's a relatively small force, with just enough people and vehicles to do their job.)[/hider] EDIT: [hider=General Sheet][b]Name:[/b] Lieutenant Colonel Caelan J. Hathaway, Yakima Republic Army [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant Colonel [b]Origin Story:[/b] Caelan J. Hathaway was born in NCR, New California Republic, in 2244, to John Hathaway, a Desert Ranger from Arizona, and Catherine Warren, a doctor with the Followers of the Apocalypse. In NCR, he attended a military academy and enlisted in the New California Republic Army at eighteen, serving with its mechanized division. He served in numerous campaigns against raiders and tribals in California, and later fought against the Great Khans and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Campaign, distinguishing himself as a very capable commander. His career is characterized by his perceived recklessness, going against the wishes of superiors whom he viewed as incompetent several times throughout his early career. He was the kind of commander to take matters into his own hands, and do things his way. This got him into a lot of trouble, but his usefulness, and the success of his offensives - even those not authorized - kept him from getting any major backlash for most of his career. He was a very loved and respected commander, always tending to the needs of his men, which helped shield him from repercussions of his sometimes reckless actions. He fought in both battles over Hoover Dam, though his role in the first was mostly supportive in and around New Vegas. During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, he went against orders to maintain a defensive perimeter during the final phases of the battle, when General Lee Oliver called back many of the forces pursuing the battered Legionaries. During the first battle, it had been Oliver's insistence to maintain a defense stance, which allowed the Legion to regroup and regain its strength. He believed that, had it not been for that, a second battle would have not occurred, and many men would have lived to see the slaver army fall. Many troopers had also been trapped behind enemy lines during the final phase of the battle, and General Lee Oliver's order to fall back and defend the dam was, practically, a death sentence to all those who had been unfortunate enough to be trapped within Legion lines. Determined to see the Legion fall, and wishing to save the men trapped, Caelan J. Hathaway charged ahead with his mechanized troops and broke through the weary Legion lines to rescue the troopers trapped behind. Other commanders followed suit, and together they pushed the Legion to the brink, the losses sustained that day contributing greatly to the Legion's collapse not long after. Many of the commanders who pushed ahead were discharged, including Caelan J. Hathaway, a perceived threat to General Lee Oliver's position as commander of the NCR forces in the Mojave. Caelan J. Hathaway thought he'd retire to somewhere quiet, but the love and support of his men --many of which resigned over Hathaway's discharge-- convinced him to carry on elsewhere. And so the Hathaway Misfits were formed; a group of loyal men deemed too reckless for service with the NCR. This included many of the commanders who had been discharged along with Hathaway, and now serve as officers within the misfits. The misfits showed up in Washington near the end of the Yakima Republic's Unification War. Looking to serve a nation where his expertise could be put to use, Hathaway joined the Republic, cementing his place as one of its generals in the final year of the war. It became clear afterwards that the Yakima Republic was a farcry from the New California Republic and its strict sense of justice and the rule of law. Here, raiders who had not long ago terrorized the territory, protected the same very people. He served alongside "generals" who had escaped justice for their crimes just because they were useful. This troubled him, but he saw the potential and set out to make things right, if only for the innocent people he now swore to protect. [b]Appearance:[/b] Caelan stands at about 6'2", with the posture of a career soldier. His stern presence demands respect, and looking at him, one cannot help but feel a sense of authority and confidence emanating from him. He is of fair complexion, with short black hair and brown eyes. He is clean-shaven and often wears a grey military greatcoat and a general's peaked hat.[/hider]