Tada, done! Can I just say that I totally love and approve of the time setting? Cell phones and laptops ruin the magic sometimes. And I love these other characters too. :) [hider=Kenneth Westerberg] [center]Appearance: [url=http://marcusbeach.deviantart.com/art/Smiler-495540330]Normal[/url] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/werewolf-attack-345533526]Transformed[/url] Name: Kenneth Westerberg Age: 15 Year: 1st year Normal or Supernatural: Supernatural(Unaware); Werewolf, the more classic hollywood type. Meaning that he transforms only once a month during the full moon involuntarily, is unaware of what he is doing before, during, and after each transformation and is vulnerable to silver. Personality: Kenneth is a bit of a dork, and it shows. Everywhere he goes, a trail of papers and books are left in his wake. He can't seem to avoid cluttering everything he comes into contact with. On top of that, he is clumsy, naïve and eager to please. Kenneth almost never thinks for himself, and hates making decisions. People are often surprised by his deep nasal voice because of his small frame and stature. Sometimes his enthusiastic manner can be grating. There are times, especially when stressed, that Kenneth falls into mood swings that are a stark contrast to his normal personality. There may be some days when he will refuse to even get out of bed or speak to anyone. Whether or not this is caused by his condition or if it simply is his normal manner isn't known. Bio: Even before he was born in January of 1957, Kenneth's path was meticulously built for him. Schools were researched and toured while he was still in the womb, a career template was mapped, and his mother listened to classical music constantly while pregnant in an attempt to ensure his intelligence. His sister, Sharon, got much the same treatment. Even with these strict expectations for success, Kenneth did very well as he aged and grew, though this was not due to natural talent. Kenneth had to study tirelessly to earn his good grades, as the answers didn't come to him as easily as his test scores seemed to show. Everywhere he went his nose was in a textbook, and if he had free time then his nose was in a novel. After he turned 14, he and his family went on vacation to Sweden, to visit their great-grandfather's rural home. The town was nestled at the very edge of a dense forest, the same forest that Kenneth had made the unfortunate decision to go exploring in one night. He had snuck out to be free from his parents' grip for just one night, and to absorb the sounds of nature. Later, Kenneth's mother awoke to the sound of distant but familiar screams. The entire house was alerted and they later found him, crumpled in a heap and bleeding from numerous bite marks. Kenneth's recovery was remarkably fast, though he remembers nothing but vague flashes about incident. The first full moon after returning home, Kenneth changed into a hideous and bloodthirsty beast at night. His family managed to trap him inside his room, and they all swore to safegaurd and oversee his transformations. They also swore never to tell him about what he was, which was made easier by the fact that he has no memory of these changes, before, during or after. Whenever he does remember something, it is usually hazy, and he writes it off as a dream. His sister Sharon manages him now; he usually starts to sleepwalk before the change, during which she sneaks him out of his room to the nearest secluded forested area and chains him to a tree before his transformation can take place. This is her plan for the year as they both head for Northwood Academy. (Whether or not this plan will actually work, I guess it's up to IAmThea to decide.) How you came to the school: Year 1 student. Preferred Dorm: Wells Hall (for its seclusion) [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sharon Westerberg] [center]Appearance: [url=http://see-the-halo.deviantart.com/art/Yana-495435742]Sharon[/url] Name: Sharon Westerberg Age: 16 Year: 2nd year Normal or Supernatural: Normal Personality: Sharon is very much the opposite of Kenneth, where he is booky she is social and outgoing. Where he struggles to keep up academically she is naturally gifted. And where he is indecisive and adhering to rules, she is adventurous and rebellious. Though she cares deeply for her little brother she sometimes dislikes looking after him. Bio: Very much the same as Kenneth's, though without the supernatural hell beast part. Her parents had a very specific education plan laid out for her, though after Kenneth's incident she is now being transferred to his school along with him so she can play the werewolf caretaker. How you came to the school: Transfer Preferred Dorm: Wells Hall (preferably with Kenneth so she can keep an eye on him, though if the school doesn't allow boys and girls to dorm together I'll happily change this) [/center] [/hider] Since she is an NPC of sorts, anyone can use Sharon as they please. If you want to strike up a conversation between your character and her or have their a character go on a date with her or something, go right the heck ahead, as long as you don't make her say something really weird and out of nowhere. Also to our awesome GM, I consider her pretty darn expendable.