[Center][i]Time Skip - Remy, Rena, Ash, Kaylah and Dog going on a Fuel Run[/i][/center] For some reason Remy had been put in control of the map. He looked down at it and looked over at Rena who had volunteered to drive the pickup truck they were taking. "Take a left up there," he told her. "Keep your eyes open, Rena. I don't like how quiet it has been so far. The sound of our vehicles should have alerted some by now." He looked in the review mirror at Ash. "Are the others doing okay?" he asked her. Behind them and trying to follow closely were Kaylah and Dog driving the vehicle that carried the huge fuel canisters. It was Ash's job to keep a eye on them and behind them for any signs of trouble. Remy was the navigator and Rena of course was the driver. He turned his attention back on the map. "We should be there soon," he said, a sound of relief in his voice. Remy ran a hand through his wavy brunette hair, sighing softly. "Brace yourselves," he told the two girls. "I do not have a very good feeling." He could not really explain why he felt like something bad was going to happen, but figured it was instinct from living in the undead world for so long. "Look there!" Rena said a little too loudly. Remy winced even though they were inside the truck and nothing on the outside would have been able to hear the ballerina, it still made him nervous when people were loud. Loudness attracted the undead. "The gas station. Boy, it's a big one. There are several cars there that look untouched as well." Rena grinned, bouncing up and down in her seat like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Stop," Remy instructed. "We don't know what the condition of this town is," he said, looking toward the gas station and the sizable town in front of it. It was a lot bigger than the farm town they had come from. Why hadn't anyone hit the gas station yet? It should be ransacked. Surely the town had some survivors or people passing through like them. It was not able to think this was just luck. It looked too good to be true. "Ash, signal for the others to stay put while you and I scout ahead," he suggested, slowly unlocking his door and stepping out of the truck. He held his machete firmly in one hand and patted his vest, as if to double check he still had his guns and ammo.