[b]Zaria[/b] How she remained calm upon the appearance of the fenghuang was a mystery even to herself. It was instantly obvious to Zaria that this was no normal Natrelmon. She really doubted it would approve of her using the Mythin for such a ritual. She herself did not see any problem with such a thing. Was it not the natural cycle of things? The smaller creatures were killed by the bigger ones and thus used. Sure, this was not quite the same as the food chain as it wasn't being eaten but Zaria genuinely did not believe it was murder. Of course, she maybe should not have enjoyed it. Ah well. Her eyes widened as the Mythin was resurrected and flew away in fear. That was some power. She tilted her head, face impassive as she listened to the words Tasri spoke. Well this certainly was a sticky situation for her. She was quite sure she would come out best if she placed her hands on the light. However, she did not know what it did apart from helped her begin to repent. It could do anything in addition to that. And anyway, it would not work as she had quite clearly been told deception would not work. She, personally, did not feel that she had anything to repent for. It was just a Mythin. One that happened to now be alive again. So no harm done. And it had died in the first place for a good cause. At least, it was a good one in her mind. It had not been without a reason. And it would further her own goal of attaining power. Taking a few, slow, steps backwards and away from the light Zaria finally spoke. "I apologise for any harm I have caused." Lie. "And I do thank you for your concern. I'm afraid I have no loved ones to bring to ruin, as you claim I will do, and I am sure I will be quite fine." She felt herself being drawn towards the light, and the incredibly bird, but somehow continued her slow journey backwards. If repentance meant giving up the ritual she now owned, and possible her blood magic, she certainly wanted no part in it. "While I do regret my actions and I'm afraid there is not much more to repent for." Even if it was a slight struggle Zaria managed to retain her skill with words, though she was unsure how well it would work on the Tasri. "Really, I am quite fine." Zaria had certainly made up her mind now. Touching that light was not her best option. She was certainly not willing to 'repent' for the crimes she had committed, however small they were. And deception was not advisable. It was a shame, really, that Tasri had seen her darker side. It was, of course, something she kept hidden from most. People tended not to approve of those who weren't perfectly morally good and she needed people to approve of her. Ah well. It was hardly like the legendary bird could spread the word.