[Second Post] Jarvis Pentaphraxis Stats: Assets 2 / Power 0 / Production 2 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 The soft female voice of his secretary whispered into his ear from the pea sized transceiver in Jarvis's ear. "Lady Greywind sends invitation for council members to join her at the arena, and it appears that all councilmen have accepted". Glancing at the timepiece by his bedside, Jarvis grimaced and stretched violently - knocking over a decorative lamp in the process. With all the running around from rally to rally, then being stuck with smug aristocrats well into the night did not bode well for his sleep schedule. As far as her invitation is concerned, it may very well be a political trap of sorts. In fact, it already was due to the implied rudeness if one chose to decline. Jarvis rolled off the bed, and went to splash water on his face in the ornate sink. So be it. However cleverly she sets the field for political leverage, I will find the weakness and turn the tables. This may even be the opportunity I have been looking for to pin the council in front of the populace to some of my policy suggestions. In front of commoners I have worked so hard to win over for my cause, I may more easily aquire their yay votes. Jarvis smiled to himself as he fastened the final upper button of his bright red, gold trimmed vest. "Fiona, would you be so kind as to send note for the Lady that I will attend. You may use my signature for this message." [hider=Reply to Invitation] I graciously accept your invitation and will attend. - Jarvis Pentaphraxis [/hider]