Jurgen was taking really damn long with waking up. Or maybe Eve was just bored with doing nothing. So around 8 am she went outside once again for another smoke. Though this time she stayed outside. If Jurgen was going to sleep in, then she might as well go do something herself. Exercise wasn't something she needed, technically. But doing some would probably keep her occupied. Plus it could give her a better understanding of her own body with any luck. She may be an android, but some things you could only learn by experiencing them. It was probably why normal androids and robots would never become better than humans until brain chips were advanced enough for them to become independent. Or maybe they were intentionally kept sub-intelligent because of that. Eve spent several hours running about, jumping and just generally testing out what her body could do. Then finally she returned again, using the fire escape to get inside again. "I'm back." She spoke, seeing that Jurgen was about to finish his breakfast. Good, at least he had some time to wake up in peace then. And now...time to see what that file was all about. "I got something, by the way. A file, while I was in sleep mode. But I couldn't open it without you being present. And I can only think of one person that could do such a thing; My creator. He did mention that he'd be monitoring our progress so..." She wouldn't be surprised if this person had remote access to her systems to some extend. "Want me to open the file now or...?"