I've already posted the following post on the Interest Check, but I thought that I might as well copy it over here: Alright, I've finished my Army Sheet, though my General Sheet is still a WIP. I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead an gave a bit of an explanation for why there are Enclave Remnants in Washington State (I can retcon it, if I need to). In addition, I recognize that the use of soldiers with Power Armor and Vertibirds can easily become overpowered, so I've tried to keep my numbers limited. If it's not enough I'll try to adjust the Squadron a bit, but keep in mind that I'll at least be trying to remain fair and not-OP IC (there'll be limited fuel, Vertibird malfunctions, ammo shortages, etc.). Anyway, here it is: Army Name: 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron, commonly known as the Steel Dragoons Army Banner: WIP Army Specialisations: The 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron is a highly elite and specialized force which operates independently from any other military unit, though it has worked in-tandem with other units in the past. Being an air cavalry Squadron, the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron has one obvious advantage over most enemies which may stand against it, with that advantage being their ability to use Vertibirds on the field of battle. These Vertibirds are used primarily for transportation and the provision of close air support, though they are theoretically capable of intercepting other aircraft and bombing targets with limited payloads. The pilots of the Steel Dragoons have proven to be extremely proficient airmen, as of today having never completely lost a Vertibird, though some have taken serious damage. Currently, the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron fields nine functional Vertibirds. The Steel Dragoons' other main advantage on the battlefield is their unmatched ability to quickly storm objectives and enemy positions. Armed with extremely advanced weaponry and power armor, the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron easily makes up for its serious lack of numbers with sheer firepower. Lending to their prowess as shock troopers is their life-long background of intense training and military tradition. Troopers of the Squadron are born into the position and trained from an extremely young age with techniques carried down from the old Enclave from whence the Squadron's founding fathers came. Army Origins: The 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron traces its roots back to the post-war iteration of the United States Government, the Enclave. After the destruction of the Poseidon Energy Oil Rig, the headquarters and primary base of the Enclave up until that point, the Enclave was more or less shattered. The individuals who would later become the founding fathers of the Steel Dragoons had been stationed at Enclave bases on the mainland when the Chosen One laid waste to the Oil Rig, and therefore were spared destruction. Left without a proper President and devoid of many important officers in the military's chain of command, the Enclave looked for a leader wherever they could find one. The majority of the Enclave personnel still left looked to Autumn Senior, a high-ranking scientist within the Enclave, who told tales of the next President of the United States, John Henry Eden. While Autumn called for a massive redeployment of all troops and civilian personnel to the nation's old capitol, Washington D.C., a few within the Enclave doubted John Henry Eden's legitimacy as President. Instead, some soldiers looked to Colonel Harrison Brant, who advocated instead for a migration northwards to an entirely different Washington. Rather than hurrying off to some far-away President, he suggested that the soldiers of the Enclave would be better off governing themselves, also insisting that Washington State would be a prime location to station themselves until the time came for them to reestablish America. While most personnel followed Autumn Senior rather than Harrison Brant, the man still managed to gather up a fleet of Vertibirds and likeminded individuals, traveling northwards just two days after Autumn flew eastwards with his flock. Taking with him most of his unit, along with bits and pieces of other units, a small congregation of scientists and mechanics, many important supplies, and of course his Vertibirds, Harrison soon arrived in western Washington. He severed all contact with both the Enclave forces who remained in the Core Region and those who had fled east with Autumn, officially becoming independent from the Enclave. Settling down in McChord Air Force Base, Harrison's personnel soon went about restoring their new home and retrieving many of the regions supplies. The force at McChord was relatively isolationist, as it wanted desperately to avoid the attention of the New California Republic. No President was ever elected, with Harrison Brant setting up a strict military hierarchy with him at its head instead. Overall, not much of particular note occurred amongst the exiled community. Like their Enclave predecessors, Harrison's remnants denied entry to any who were not the direct descendents of those on the Poseidon Energy Oil Rig or those who had been born to a pure Vault lineage. No attempt was made at exterminating the impure Mainlanders however. Eventually, Harrison Brant died of natural causes, with a power vacuum left in his place. After a handful of serious confrontations between various officers over the leadership of the community, a few officers took their men and left the compound due to differences in ideology and leadership. One of these officers was a man by the name of Christian Wittbray, who promoted working alongside the Mainlanders to mold society into something strong enough to survive and thrive in this hellish world humanity now inhabited. He planned on introducing the savage Mainlanders to the grand practice of eugenics so that they could practice self-purification, also planning support the creation of a right-wing, authoritarian government which could effectively avoid the many mistakes of the nations which had inhabited the world before the Great War. With this in mind, he gathered up eleven Vertibirds brimming with personnel and equipment and flew eastwards, towards what would later become the Yakima Republic. Thus, the Steel Dragoons were founded, officially adopting the moniker from the local Mainlanders' name for them. Quickly, the Steel Dragoons adopted a more active role in the wasteland, brutally eliminating the Raiders in the immediate area, trading with local settlements, and sending delegates to many villages to spread the idea of eugenics. In particular, the Steel Dragoons were interested in the inhabitants of Vault 57, keeping a very close eye on them. Aside from Enclave personnel and perhaps a very small number of unaffected survivors, the dwellers of Vaults were the only people on Earth who could claim absolute human purity after the Great War. Theoretically, a eugenics program revolving around the cultivation of the Vault inhabitants' genes could work towards purifying humanity. After an extended period of cleansing the surrounding area of Raiders and Undesirables (Mutants, Ghouls, and heavily mutated humans) and monitoring the population of the Vault, a nation-state of sorts started to congeal out of the region's many scattered and cooperative settlements. Almost immediately, Vault 57 joined the ranks of these settlements, and when they solidified into the Yakima Republic, the Vault immediately joined. Christian Wittbray, still the supreme leader of the Steel Dragoons, almost immediately followed in the Vault's footsteps, pledging fealty to the Republic. In exchange, he asked only for a position as one of the Republic's generals, with the Dragoons being his force, along with the right to form a political party. After the Republic's government accepted the Steel Dragoons they officially became the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron, becoming the Republic's first full force of air cavalry. In addition, Christian Wittbray established the so-called Purity Party, which sought to establish a right-wing government where members were rightly ranked within society according to their genetic purity, mutants were exterminated, and a strong eugenics program was put into place. While many wastelanders obviously opposed the Party, many of the Vault dwellers joined its ranks, as they were considered some the elite pure beings who the Party held in high regard. The 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron soon became the champions of the Party, and the force even opened up very selective recruitment for genetically superior Vault dwellers, though very few were ever accepted into the ranks. By now, the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron has performed a variety of missions for the Republic, and the position of leadership has been taken up by Christian's son, Frederick Wittbray, who also leads the Purity Party. Army Racial Composition: Only humans unaffected by the terrors of the apocalypse (FEV and radiation mutation) and judged to be of high genetic quality are accepted into the ranks of the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron. More often than not, this means that only individuals who can trace their lineage back to the Poseidon Energy Oil Rig can serve, though they are trained from an extremely young age. However, a select few pure individuals from Vault 57 have been accepted into the Dragoons' ranks. In addition, an number of robots serve alongside the humans of the Steel Dragoons, being seen as useful tools. Order of Battle: Troop A (Eagle Troop)- 10 human Vertibird pilots flying 5 Vertibirds (two pilots to each Vertibird), and 40 human soldiers. Ten humans (two pilots, eight troopers) are assigned to each Vertibird, with the occupants of each Vertibird (technically including the pilots) making up one squad. Each Vertibirs is equipped with one gatling laser cannon, two missile launchers, and a bomb bed capable of carrying mini-nukes. In each Squad of ten, there are a small amount of specializations, with each specialized position having its own particular equipment. Pilots (two to each squad, for a total of ten) are usually not deployed on the ground, but carry a Glock 86 plasma pistol on their person anyway. Pilots wear black flight suits, devoid of armor, along with black steel pilot helmets. Meanwhile, there are four Assault personnel in each Squad (20 in total), with each one wearing Advanced Power Armor and being equipped with a Wattz 2000 laser rifle, a Glock 86 plasma pistol, 2 plasma grenades, 1 smoke grenade, and a trench knife. Assault personnel have advanced battlefield medical training and carry the proper medical supplies with them when on the field. Each squad is also graced with two Support soldiers, who are equipped with Advanced Power Armor, an L30 Gatling laser or a Winchester P94 plasma rifle, a Glock 86 plasma pistol, 3 plasma grenades, and a ripper. Finally, each Squad has two Marksman units, with each one equipped with Advanced Power Armor, a scoped M72 Gauss rifle, a Glock 86 plasma pistol, 1 plasma grenade, and two smoke grenades. Troop B (Vulture Troop)- 8 human pilots flying 4 Vertibirds (two pilots to each Vertibird), 24 combat robots, and 4 human soldiers. Four Squads are included within Troop B, with each squad being composed of two pilots, one Combat Engineer, four Mister Gutsys, and two Sentry Bots (Note: They appear as they do in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, not as they do in Fallout 2). Like in Troop A, the pilots of Troop B are not meant to be deployed on the ground, they they are equipped with a Glock 86 plasma pistol. They wear an unarmored black flight suit along with a steel flight helmet. Meanwhile, Mister Gutsy units are maneuverable hover weapons platforms which excel in urban combat, are effectively armored, and are equipped with a plasma caster, a flame thrower, and a manipulating arm. Their much larger and more well-armed and armored brothers-in-arms, the Sentry Bots, are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Each is equipped with a Gatling laser and a missile launcher and can take quite a pounding before they are incapacitated. Finally, each Troop B Squad has a single Combat Engineer, who is equipped with equipment for giving combat robots mid-battle repairs, along with Advanced Power Armor, a M72 Gauss rifle, a Glock 86 plasma pistol, and two plasma grenades. In total, the 1st Republic Dragoon Squadron fields 9 functional Vertibirds, 62 humans (18 pilots and 44 troopers), and 24 combat robots.