Jurgen wasn't too concerned when Eve wasn't around. He figured she was out for a smoke, and would get back whenever. So en enjoyed his breakfast, eating slowly, and staring at the directions that Gerald had given him. Today was going to be an interesting day. And then his android returned, just as he was finishing up his breakfast. She announced that she was back, and he smiled, "Welcome back." he said, wondering where she had been. It didn't matter much, though, he supposed. He crammed the last of his breakfast into his mouth and got up to deal with the dishes while the robot spoke. Apparently she had some fancy mysterious file from her creator that could only be opened in his presence, that was kinda cool, but also pretty creepy at the same time. Whoever was on the other end of that line could ruin everything at the drop of a hat. The cyborg dealt with his dishes and then nodded when Eve asked if she should open the file now. "Yeah, why not? Crack it open and let's see what this is all about." he plopped down on the couch and stared at his robot while she did the thing, looking very interesting, and more than a little nervous. What the hell was going to happen? Was she going to turn into a crazy murder-bot and rip his arms off and beat him to death with them? Was she going to stop being so realistic and act a bit more like a robot for once? Did her creator just leave them a message? He had no idea, but ideally, finding out would be safe and entertaining...