[quote=KabenSaal] Ohh, wouldn't you like to know? (It's called seitokai yakuindomo. It's weird) [/quote] Yes... The freaking text on the gif says it all... :P I searched it and I think I might have watched something similar to this in Anime Club back in HS. Watched one of its videos. It is weird. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDD40_1LRUg [quote=Kimono] Oooooh that's a wonderful idea. I'd love to be a teacher's assistant. I'm neither a student or a teacher. Pretty please??? ^_~ [/quote] Irish, make an exception for Kimono. He/She is a new RPer with eagerness to enter in. You would not want to stamp out the spirit of new RPer? -- Edit: Asura...SRSLY make a IC Post... [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AMGJ59ryYCk/UUcMWCLhaRI/AAAAAAAACio/1uMAaXVj59g/s1600/angry%EF%80%A2nothappy%EF%80%A2gray.gif]