Let it never be said that Haruka always thought things through. She had a penchant of being a little reluctant to act, to think through her moves and react. Initiative was a word she disliked. It was a word associated with leadership, with responsibilities, both of which she had much need for outside of clan politics. She didn't want a Captaincy, didn't want the weight of dead squad members on her shoulders. This...was one of those times where the difference between life and death was that very issue. Does she take the initiative and try to out run the blast? Or does she use the ice as a bunker? Three seconds to decide. No time, a decision was needed now. And she did what she was best at: Reacted. She flash stepped towards the ice, just as the explosion well...exploded. She covered her ears to protect them from the shockwave as well as crouched to make her profile smaller while keeping a firm base.