[hider=Thomas Richards] Appearance: [img=http://underthedometv.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/111recap.jpg] Name: Thomas "Tom" Richards Age: 31 Gender: Male Class: Human; Hark Background and/or Personality: Tom grew up in a family of Harks. Both of his parents worked for the department, their parent's worked for a department. His older sister, Murphy, is a lead homicide investigator, so it was no question what job Tom would go into. He didn't even argue. He was quite pleased with the opportunity to serve his wonderful city. Before becoming a Hark, Tom had proved himself as an adept swimmer. He had gone to win several awards in high school. Almost immediately after school he went into the Academy. He did quite well there, not the best by any means, but nothing to sneeze at. He was third in physical combat, and fourth in shooting (he always lists slight to the left no matter how much he thinks he's going right). All of that was enough to get him stationed at his father's office. He lives a bit in his family's shadow, but enjoys being a beat Hark way more than being an investigator. It was on one of his daily beats that he caught a rouge android. The renown he got from that was enough to get him on an investigation team. One specifically designed to catch rogue androids. Tom, though, had seen that android's eyes when they took it away. He wanted nothing more than to turn down the promotion, but knew if he did questions would be asked. So he shoved his doubts away and continued on with the job as he was trained to do. [/hider] [hider=Tessa Green] Appearance: [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KNrw8JUpjj8/UUC-3sVIAEI/AAAAAAAAAZI/WrsB1BYtLrM/s1600/allison.jpg] Name: Tessa Green Age: 20 Gender: Female Class: Tessa fell through the cracks. She couldn't get a job or further her education. She's a vagrant, and when you're at the bottom of the world you see all the shit that falls down. Background and/or Personality: Tessa had everything going for her. Until her parents died, but really it was before then. Her parent's death was just the end of the beginning. Before that she was already falling through the cracks. Things were not working out. She couldn't get into any of the colleges she had wanted to. Her parents told her if she didn't get a job she'd be kicked out. She didn't get a job. With a duffel bag of stuff Tessa's life dominos pushed over another one. About four months after she left their house went up in flames. She is the prime suspect. It's been hard these last few weeks, but Tessa is tough, and she has no desire to get caught. She's learned that the world wasn't as pristine as her parents had touted it to be. That was hard realization. One she is glad she learned. She's spent the last few months learning the weaknesses of the system. She needs to meet the Hacker. She needs to clear her name. She needs to be free of the corrupt system that wants to kill her. [/hider]