Mortia rose as he did every morning, well before the sun had even begun to rise over the tree line. He grabbed his staff and made his way out of the dorms and into the woods. all he wore at the moment was the robe given to him by his father. it was a mutted green with golden trim around the sleeves. He had been walking the woods more each day in between each of his classes. He could see the trees that had been cut down by the orcs to be used in their ever expanded fortress. he decided that later he would have to ask the orcs if they could spare some of the trees so that his little santuary wasnt desturbed. Mortia made it to the small clearing he had found with a patch of trees in the center. he walked to the trees carful only to tread where he had before as to not upset this grove more than he already had. As he made it to the grouping he made his way through the thick outer branches to the inside which only held one large tree that had been wrapped in a thick cloth tarp he had found to protect the tree from what was about to happen. he brought himself into his ready postion bringing his staff up in front of him. He spent the next few hours untill the sun began to rise practicing his strikes, blows, deflects, and blocks trying to constantly force his body to move faster and stronger with each strike. Once the sun began to rise mortia sat down in front of the tree legs crossed staff planted firmly in the ground chanting the ancient lines that made it possible for him to draw his magical reserves from the natural life that surrounded him. he slowly started to glow green. his glow started to pulsate as he started to chant the lines over and over faster and faster untill all that could be seen from the out side as a glowing light that could rival even the suns own beams as it made its way through the skys. He had done this each day to make sure that his reserves of magic would not run out at the most important time. the glow slowly started to die down as he slowed his chanting. as he finished he stood and turned to the tree he had been sitting by and lowered his head. he grabbed a few nuts from the tree as he went to leave said his thanks to his sacred grove and made his way back to his dorm room. Mortia hurriedly gatheried the equipment he thought he would need he had stashed around his room. he grabbed his amulet that would help him regain some of his magic while away from his natural sources. From under his bed, he grabbed three out of his fifteen jars of dirt that would be his last magical source if he ran dry,strapping these to his belt tied under his cloak. finally he picked his staff up from where he had set it down and slid it into the sheath he had made for it on his back. finaly sure he had all he would need for their mission he made his way to the pick up point to meet up with the rest of his squad. he saw his squad gathered together and rushed to join them. He heard Chris telling his group that he was in charge which was fine by him he planned on staying at the back of the group anyway. he loaded up on his groups transport to the drop off zone. he sat back and tried to decide if he should talk to the orc about his grove. He should just wait until after the mission. he heard something open up with machine gun fire outside of the ship. "Charlie, lets move" he heard Chris say as their transport landed and he jumped out of the ship, staff in hand.