"Sure thing." She spoke, opening the file. Though that didn't seem to do anything, but give her some directions and a code. "Well...this is useless..." She muttered. Though the instructions told her to go to the nearest video or holographic display. So she walked to the TV. Next instruction was to take out a cable from her right arm. She didn't even know there was a cable in there. But indeed a small hatch popped up when she thought about finding the cable. "Whomever this guy is, he's definitely a weird one..." She mused, taking the cable and plugging it into the TV. The code activated itself after that. "It seems my internal systems are establishing some kind of remote video connection..." She spoke, waiting to see what would appear on screen. Moments later a lab of some kind appeared, though it was dark, and there was no one in sight. Eve did recognize the place though. Especially the large empty tube with several device on and inside of it. Vague memories of being inside of that thing. Was that where she had been created? That is, until a few seconds later. "Finally, finally! I guess doing some experiments to keep myself busy helped pass the time~" The man kept himself in the shadows, so at only a dark figure was visible. The man was balding, wore glasses and looked to be over 50 years old, but the rest was too hard to make out. "So, test subject one - or I guess I should call you Jurgen - How's unit 001 treating you? Any questions you want to ask, you can ask them now. Not sure if I will answer them all though..." Just the way his voice sounded already made this guy sound like a loony. Cheerful, yet a bit menacing. Smart, yet sounding like that one guy that would do stupid shit just for fun.