The general ambiance of the room Thomas was seated now was at lot more to his taste than the rest of the club. The walls, the floor and even the furniture really had a better vibe to them than he had expected. Another pleasant change was that the music wasn't as loud here as it was in the main hall. Thomas closed his eyes, tilted his head back and slowly exhaled. The card players didn't pay attention to him or the girl that seated a chair away from him. Thomas knew English, and some French because of a couple of previous jobs for some Frenchmen, but he couldn't make out whether this was Spanish or Portuguese. "Me gusta poker," he tried as he didn't know what else to do beside waiting. It always pained him that before the real job started he was always made to wait. [i]Comes with the job[/i], he thought. One of the women looked up form her hand and smiled at him, "Muy bien, amigo." So it was Spanish, maybe he could try some Spanglish. Although it probably wasn't a good idea to see how far he could go before one of the players told him to go fuck himself... Although he loved learning to swear in different languages. It probably was a good thing the music got louder again, announcing that somebody opened the door. Quite the sight walked in... Face covered in a mask and pointy ears, an Elf. The male-Elf seemed just a bit out of his comfort zone, just where Quicksilver liked people he met the first time. The Elf took the room in before he took a seat and asked if Thomas and the girl were here for a job. Thomas always loved it when the cannon fodder was completely oblivious about what was going on. The muscle was weighing his options, sighing or a snide comment... He decided against a too aggressive comment, he was working with pointy ears after all. "Assuming you read the message, did what it said. Yeah, I think you can safely assume you're in the right place." He worked with the type before, the Elf seemed nice enough, but this wasn't that hard to figure out. It was like pointy ears wasn't to sure about himself. As the music became louder again another body walked in. [i]You lost kid? Party's over there[/i], the samurai thought mentally pointing to the door. As the door closed the music quieted done some and the seven card players continued focusing on the most important part of their evening, trying to win. "If you didn't notice, the man with the mustache is buffing." He joked towards the girl. He had to hand it to the kid, he wasn't in the room for over a minute and he already tried hitting on his colleague. "Way to go kid," Thomas said grinning, "Way to go."