I left it general so there is a lot of room for players to build their own story. The realm is at peace, but the Einherjar have begun a silent invasion. (Which they themselves do not realize) That in itself let's us direct our individual characters with a base to write with. Look how much diversity came with the DLC packs in the game. As writers we have our characters grow through the situations we put them in. Take Appollo with their character Jacob. They put in a bandit attack and within the post we saw how Jacob was pushing himself to lead. Same with Lionhearted with Rachel, little things like admitting to hating horses but willing to try riding one. I see that as character growth. Feel free to keep asking questions, as long as it helps stimulate you to write more about Sho. It's a shame you put time into a profile and you want me to give you a story to work with as well as the challenges for your character. If a writer was given all their material before writing, itwouldn't be as enjoyable, in my opinion. By the way, since the request to abolish Post Order has been put in, I will be the first to step out and celebrate our groups decision by posting. And thank you to Apollo for stepping up with all of your suggestions! Let's make this happen!