[quote=AYoungWarthog] As per the next few days, I will be a tad busy. But a brief synopsis of what my idea for the BoS Chapter was is this:They took in some of the outcasts from the Mojave, a few years ago, but are mostly the original members of a very small chapter in Washington that was sent out by High Elder Jeremy Maxon in 2225 to head to the local area and search for anything of use. They, after the NCR-Brotherhood War, also seemed to take a turn towards the same doctrine as the Capital Chapter, and began providing safety and protection to locals, opened a small clinic, and even began teaching local tribes and villages to read, write, and even the basics of mathematics. They are very small in number, and would technically be considered Outcasts as they are against the Brotherhood's original purpose, but consder themselves a true chapter, nonetheless, and have accepted some of the "mojave outcasts" into their midst because they are Brothers. [/quote] Sounds good to me, as GM/supreme being, I accept your entry. @Katabasis, I'm pondering over yours at the moment. I like everything about it, but I'm concerned the surge of vertibirds might be an object of jealousy, and also brings the Republic too far forwards as far as technology is concerned. So with this in mind, and because I am ever the solution finder, I would like to propose a compromise. Your background story is credible, and it's given me somewhere to place an Enclave presence, and for that I am thankful. I'll allow you 4 operational Vertibirds, with the rest in your possession, but they are out of working order due to a lack of parts. I can semi-promise your initial missions being focused around Old World tech retrieval in the west, which will allow you to get them in the air, but I just feel uncomfortable with the idea of the Republic possessing a serious air wing so early in the story. Provided we have an agreement, then I see no problem with some former Enclave joining the Republic. The RP has undergone some changes since you created the sheet, and this is probably why we've run into this minor impasse. You're also missing the Headquarters part of your entry.