Nations Name: The Kingdom of Azor Flag:[img=] Form of Government: Monarchy, however with Governors regulating the flow for each city. (Mayors for smaller cities) Describe the System At the very top of Azor is the King, and his family. The Royals as called by the populace is basically the ruling order of the Kingdom. Now in reality there government tasks are low since the governors have their own staff and minsters. However they also play an important part in the diplomatic processes of Azor. Underneath Azor’s Royals are the Governors. Governors tend to have huge estates, a family and also a city under their control with minsters with them. They often speak with Royal family representatives when an important matter comes up regarding a law or diplomatic matter. However other than that, they handle the running of their city by themselves. Laws, disputes between Noblemen and commoners are handled by the courts. Major or Head offices exist in the cities, for trade, military and other major functions of society. While smaller officers are present in towns, for claims that need to be made. Power is divided evenly, and bigger functions require head offices approval before being conducted by smaller offices. Location on Map Desired: Decent sized location, with sea access. Capital: Near to the Sea, probably facing towards the New Continent Important Settlements: The City of Haven Major Docking City, Head Office of Trade is located here. The City of Earl Land Military City with a lot of Domestic Production The Town of Bullsworth Industrial Powerhouse, with natural resources galore. Town of Landon Known for it’s farms and wine production. Description: (Describe an average city in your nation. Culture, language, currency etc.) On Average, Azorian Cities tend to be well spaced out. City Planners spend a lot of times planning out zones for each city, and often zones are well planned to allow people to travel quickly to one end of the city to another. Foot is the preferred mode of transportation, however horses and carriages do well for travelling outside of the cities. Culture is respected in Azor. In cities, it is common to see a small museum, or a theatre in its boundaries. Painters and Artists go to the northern parts of Azor to paint in there scenic environments. While musicians are spotted in cities playing there instruments and earning coin from the traveller. Language or dialect in Azor varies. Villages tend to speak a local language, but however all legal documents , and verbal court proceedings are written/said by Azortian. Azortian is an extreme basic dialect, easy to learn and grasp onto. Various translators are also hired from other continents to translate during diplomatic proceedings. The Market of Azor varies. Towns often have a small storefront, with mostly stockpiles at the back for their resources. There shipped to the major cities to be shipped and sold. The main things Azor prides it self on are its Wine, Wood and its Iron. Smelters in Bullsworth, Wineries in Landon and it’s wood production in smaller villages on the land are known to be it’s bread and butter, and but also its pride. Fishing is also an incoming trade for Azorians, and it’s known to be one of the fastest growing industries for Azor. Currency for Azor is simple. The Office of Trade, in cooperation with the Office of Coinage makes several of coins. The Smallest coin, with the number one on both sides and the largest one is the pure gold coin, worth 100 Azorian Dollars. In total, the currency goes from: 1 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 50 , 100. Villages in Azor are known to trade in their village matters, however coinage is required for interacting with towns and cities. Important Characters: King Joseph The Second (King of Azor) General Doris Townsend (General of Land Army of Azor) Admiral Benjamin Litworth (Admiral of the Navy) Governor of Haven : William Rendel Governor of Earl : Lance Shepard Mayor of Bullsworth : Saul Bodey Mayor of Landon : Kaleb Sinyard (More characters introduced in the story) Traits: Large Army (-2) Outdated Army (+2) King of the Sea. (-3) Sealegs (-1) Fertile Fields (-2) Off a Beaten Track (+2) State Controlled (+1) Army: 40,000 Regulars 10,000 Recruits 50,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 2 Frigates 7 Barques 10 Brigs 3 Galleys GDP: 30,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable