Posted, and accepted, Jazzy. A splendid CS for a splendid character. She'll be in the cast list soon, I would suggest you start working on an intro post for her. I'll be available for questions and collabing, should it be required, at any time, just shoot me a PM. Try to hold off on posting it, however, till we are done with this collab we have going. You can watch it's process from the Titan Pad link I have up in the OP. I'm going to guess it'll take a few days for it to be done, barring any scheduling problems. Either way, it'll give you enough time to think about a really good way to introduce this interesting character. Oh, and we're going to have to zero-in on an age for her. I'm thinking Naga can live for about 500 years, tops. Average is probably somewhere around 350-400, women being on the higher side of course. I know this takes away some of the mystery, and believe me there is no bigger proponent of mystery in this story than myself, but I see this as an important distinction. Everyone else: Obviously I have my post in the collab up, sorry it's so late. I can't wait to see where this goes.