[b]Chinatsu Hon [/b] [i]Konoha Team 6 [/i] Chinatsu was still a bit angry with Akira. She didn't like him much and he didn't seem to try to change that. But she didn't care about him, she would help Sayuri and Hiroshi along with Hirudora as she knew to respect them as her team mates. Chinatsu didn't consider Akira to her team mate and she didn't need some nobody genin on her team. She had a member of her own clan on her team as her Sensei which was nice and she had a Cho on her team which was also nice. Akira came from a lesser known and renowned clan, it only made sense that he was below the three of them. Hirudora was well respected summon of her Sensei and Chinatsu was sure she had great stories about their victories. Chinatsu decided to train twice as hard as she was now in order to continue being on the top of her team because anything less was not acceptable to her. She was set on being the leader and nothing could stop her from her goal. She even had her own little helper who was waiting to help the process along. Chinatsu didn't pay any attention to Akira as he spoke to Sayuri.