[b]Shisen Inuzuka [/b] [i] Konoha Team 7 [/i] [center][b] A Reflective Time to Bond [/b][/center] Shiro was curled up on the bed next to Shisen as she laid in the hospital bed and stared up at the ceiling. Arashi was asleep and probably dreaming about chasing flaming bunnies. Though Shsien was unsettled and it was because Arashi had gotten hurt in the match against Masami Hyuuga. She had lost the match and it wouldn't be so bad if she had not allowed her ninken to get hurt. A minor injury wasn't a big deal but the injury had stunned and paralyzed the ninken which was a huge deal. Shisen thought she failed in protecting her ninken from harm and it was weighing heavily on her. Even though Arashi was almost back to normal and didn't seem to care about the injury. She sat up in bed and decided she couldn't just lay in bed anymore. Getting up she woke up both ninken and whistled to get them to follow her out of the hospital room she was in. Some nurses were startled by Arashi and others wanted to pet Shiro but Shsien didn't let them. The small white ninken needed to be treated like a ninken and not a companion animal like most canines were. In the beginning Shiro needed to learn to only trust and allow Shisen to touch her until she was ready to be in a team. Once they were outside they found an open area where Shisen pulled out a ball which she kept with her to help with Shiro's training. [b]"Alright you two, get the ball,"[/b] Shisen said, as she threw the ball. She watched as the ninken raced after the ball and laughed as Shiro tripped over one of Arashi's paws before she could reach the ball. Arashi was now heading towards Shisen with the ball in her mouth and her head was held high with pride from having the ball. Shiro raced towards the older ninken and jumped up onto Arashi's back like she was clinging to her. Shisen laughed and shook her head with a small smile. She watched as Arashi tried to shake the smaller ninken off but the small one held on rather tightly with her claws and fangs. Arashi dropped to the ground and began to roll over to get Shiro away but Shiro let go and darted towards the ball as she pawed at Arashi. Finally the older ninken let go of the ball and the smaller one was able to get it before darting off towards Shisen. A second later Arashi caught up and grabbed Shiro by the scruff of her neck. Now Arashi was padding back to Shisen and when she got there the older ninken dropped Shiro. Then used her right paw to shove Shiro at Shisens feet. Shisen laughed at how Arashi presented her 'ball' to Shisen as Shiro chewed on the actual ball. Shiro was presented as an offering and shaking her head. Shisen picked Shiro up and held the small white ninken up so she was eye level with her. [b]"You're a mess," [/b]Shisen told the ninken.