Arsenic scowled at 47 who had decided it was okay to answer a question that wasn’t meant for her. The angry blonde never liked robots, too…predictable. Technology is amazing nowadays, but you always know what robots will do, because they are programmed to do stuff a special way. Or at least the robots at the toothpaste factory that screw on caps are predictable. Arsenic could cringe at her inability to make a good argument. “Maybe you’re right, Cheshire, and we’re all going to be supervillians.” Ghost said – Ghost, the invisible one that scared Arsenic as invisibility was a useful to the beholder and incredibly dangerous for the one being spied on. The chemistry genius rolled the word on her tongue, swirling it around like spittle and tasting it. Arsenic, the super-villian. Nope, no spark, no desire; nothing. Arsenic shrugged, she didn’t want to be a supervillian or a superhero. She just wanted to be a freaking person. Arsenic listened intently when Polo analyzed Laraxis’ goals and Arsenic knew what Laraxis’ aim was, but she didn’t care. It was tiring living this life; Arsenic wanted to run to her moms and just be held as she cried in their arms. Do they think of her sometimes? Did they move on or are they still hanging on every lead of her whereabouts? When Operatives are accepted, Arsenic can return home to her family and remember what it felt like to be loved. “I don’t care about all this.” Arsenic said aloud, licking her lips and turning her eyes on Polo, “I just want to be with my family again. And if I have to help a psychopath to get there, I will.” Though, in her mind, Arsenic was thinking of slipping hemlock in Laraxis’ precious teacup once he was no longer useful, but detrimental, to her.