Welcome to the IC! I suggest that you begin your first post at your headquarters and go over how your civ is doing. Then, in later posts, embark upon diplomatic, commercial and military interaction with your neighbours. Befriend city-states and minor powers (in grey) or destroy them in battle and take their lands. After most people have done one post, I'll put up the system for recruiting soldiers. Then you can begin to gather your forces and take what is rightfully yours! [hider=Map] [img=http://i58.tinypic.com/t0t935.jpg] Minor powers/city-states are in grey, with red [i]italicised[/i] names. [/hider] If you can't read the map above, a larger version can be found [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=t0t935&s=8#.VG-5AdKsUlk]here[/url].