Arguis traveled across the great lands of Minonas, causing chaos and destruction to rule as he passed. He was in deep thought. Arguis was planning to start a war between to gods, but he needed to know what god craved territory and power. There was always Tyzitla, the god of the Shadows. He could use a god like him on his side during a war, his shadows would prove useful during battle. There was also Malag the blood god, he was another useful one. His blood thirstyness had already provided him with a bountiful amount of Chaos, and with his help, even more could be created. And then there was Kun, the Queen of the Sea, she was a powerful goddess, one who was born before all god, at least that was what the children and scholars were told. Arguis made a final decision, he would travel to the domain of the great Kun, and ask for her assistance during this war, and he would use the other gods to hide his own true motive, and when it was all said and done, give the destroyed world to one of the gods of his choosing. Arguis traveled to the Silent Depths, the beautiful domain of Kun. Arguis bowed respectfully to the goddess and addressed her as so. "Oh greats Queen of the Seas, I come to you on this day to ask of you a request. I wish to wage war on the goddess Tyrithe, this would render the goddess of Order no direct allies for the time being. I plan on creating and alliance with many other gods and goddess. In turn, when we win this war, I will give the world into your hands." He said to the Goddess.