[center][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/03/05/48384/2beea01554d906c2cb03ac5e5f0aef5d.jpg[/img][/center] The rise of the hunters left the world of darkness in disarray and weakened over a century ago and yet a new dawn is on the rise, one that will present the foundation for the future. The Council of Shadows as long since been and yet through the ages have found themselves hidden further in their masks than ever before, and yet... the church has closed the doors on its league of hunters, assuming all that was once in violation of God's law is now and forevermore extinct, but that is what we'd have them believe. As time has passed, however, the families who were once the greatest hunters for the church have stayed ever-vigilant for the world. However, there are merely two hunters left now, and it seems they are the only ones who know of the plague which haunts their world. They can't hope to win alone, but perhaps if they had proof, they could gain the following they once had... If only they could attain some kind of evidence. We're looking at playing a rather large-group RP that has three groups, possibly four. [*]Vampires[/*] - Traditional vamps where sunlight, holy water, beheading and a good old fashion stake to the heart will kill you. We're leaning on the concept of vampires from Underworld and Van Helsing, allowing the vamps to turn into creepy-ass bat like creatures. [*]Werewolves[/*] - Again, these wolves will be very much like the beasts that are seen in Underworld and less like the overgrown puppies in twilight. Strength, speed and agility reign supreme here, as does order and respect. The moon is the only pull that will change man into beast, but if it hides behind the clouds you'd better take cover, but cause you'll likely be useless. *smiles* [*]Demons[/*] - Demons will take human form most often, but have the ability to shift into one creature at will. These creatures would include a crow, tiger, bear or wolf. Just making sure no one chooses a snail to be cute. They travel as a cloud of smoke and move faster than any of the other species. Their strength in humanoid form is comparable to that of the other races, but agility in the fight is at a bit of a disadvantage due to their size. They would only be in demonic form if they were in the presence of an elder demon. My vice-co-gmathingie, Scout and I will probably play the forth group, our human hunters unless some of you are interested in making a second character. We have overhanging plots for the individual groups and the large group in combination, but always are looking for people to bring their creative license to the table. Come play with us in a world that only exists on the pages of our tales - or does it? Vamp - Kate (Leader), Clumsy Wolf - Scout (Leader), Kate, Dotcom, Okami Demon - Bane (Leader), Dark, Kate, Potato Hunters - Scout & Kate