"well she is relaxed" Isaac said, observing Gogo entering her patented comatose state. Kukcoo wasn't sure Gogo was actually physically capable of relaxation, but still, the deadpan comment got a chuckle out of her. How he responded to her next question surprised her, happiness was something she had yet to achieve in her position, she found herself forgetting that other people did do things like this because it was their 'lifelong passion' or such. In Isaac's case, it was an ascended hobby-- She didn't know everything but it certainly sounded ideal... For a job to also be a hobby. If only listening to music was a job. His next question surprised her even more than his response to her own, although she should have anticipated it, "so, what about you, your a pretty high rank here, how you manage that?" How DID she manage it? Nepotism? Luck? A tiny amount of skill? The question made her more anxious-- incredibly so. She tried not to let her hands shake as she took another puff, she wouldn't let him know how piercing that question was, she could answer it fine. Out of the corner of her, she spotted (and heard) an Korrvain male make a very lively and jovial entrance. Even though it was a split second glance, she couldn't help but feel the racial resentment... and, the perfect excuse. [i]Perfect, saved by the asshole![/i] Kukcoo feigned surprise and fear, deftly grabbed Isaac's hand, and hid on the other side of him. "Hide me!" She whisper-screamed in mock terror, "I don't want that guy to see me! He might want to..." She pantomimed a gag, "...Talk."