Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) Dahken Arena Lady Katherine Greywind stood at the noble aircar platform entrance to the arena in one of her regal red outfits, awaiting her fellow invited councilors to join her to watch the games. It was equal parts a display of her wealth, a sign of her priorities compared to the socialist mindset of her fellow nobles on the council, and inviting some persons whom she would have to become more intimate with to interact in a different setting than the council chamber. It wasn't all fun and games though, she had a few serious topics she wanted to bring up to her councilors. One was pressing, the other was less so but of potentially great utility. But first, the greetings. Beneath her feet, she could feel the rumble of the arena. Beasts and men, gladiators and slaves, blood would be shed for the entertainment of the masses of the city. While there were many games held in the grand arena, Greywind saw only the bloodsport games as the main attraction of the arena. And it would certainly be a show today. So where was Sir William? And what was this speech Lord Green intended to make? Katherine honestly felt herself looking forward to what bombshells her fellow councilors intended to drop.