Sitting on a rooftop munching on a bag of snacks sat a lone woman. The brisk wind fluttered her hair about as her legs dangled from the edge. Each gummy worm she threw higher than the last but each time she picked one from the bag, she squeezed them as if making them suffer. She giggled under her breath as she sat forward " I'll be in so much trouble once everyone finds out i'm back....But it's not like i dont' have a reason!" She shrugged and flared her hair to the side. " Of course i'll have a new set of orders i'll have to carry i really want to do that?...hmmm.......this bores me now." "Oh my god!!! Ahh!!" A shriek came from the empty alleyway near her location. The noise was feminine in nature so at this time of night it could be one of two things, Robbery, or murder. Or something much more...perverse. She put away her snacks in her pouch and climbed across the rooftops. Leaping from roof to roof she came to the scene. Leaning over the edge she peered down and observed. A burly bald man was holding a woman's dress, or it seemed part of it. "Oh ho! what do we have here" The girl backed into a corner and held what remained of her clothes in tact, " Get the hell away you creep! He loomed closer to her with every step his mouth seemed to drool and his face turned more and more lifeless as if he was a rabid animal. Reaching his hairy arm forward before the moment of touch he fell to his knees. " Who the fuck!! he barked out as he turned around slowly. Mikuru with her arms folded looked at him with a disappointing glare. " On your you filthy animal." The large man pulled out a short dagger as he stumbled to his feet. " Bitch you'll be mine too!" He lunged forward with the knife in hopes of a fatal stab. Leaping forward Mikuru ducked down slamming a forceful palm into his stomach causing him to lose all the air inside of his lungs. The girl against the wall shivered in fear as she looked on. " Piece of shit pig!" She said with a grin on her face as she kicked the man down a few times and finally placing her Heel on his head. " You're pathetic...." Pushing him over she reached her hand over to the frightened girl. " I'm so sorry dear that i did not make it here sooner. Let's get you home." She escorted the woman home safely away from public eyes and left the pervert to rot in his own blood. she did not however kill him, that would take the fun out of it.... Flipping her hair she began making her way towards the castle. " It's good to be back"