Isaac smiled when he made the woman chuckle. But what happened then surprised him as she suddenly grabbed his hand and hide behind him. Though her comment on not wanting to talk did make him chuckle himself "and what are we doing if you dont want to talk?" [b]Isaac[/b] However before he could answer an new person joined the conversation, a albino woman joined asking for the cap or the executive officer, from her rank mark she was a normal security personnel member, so no need for formalities. "Unless Kuckoo know's of their locations, I guess you have to do with us, I may not be security but I can help with a simple matter as this" ------------------------------ [b]Volray[/b] Volray was not so surprised by the masked man's responce, The man would think he was a civilian and all so... and clearly the masked man was a veteran or at least he had his share of experiences, at least he did not seem like a bad guy if he would warn someone that he better run. "If were running, then let me give you some spare time" Keeping his barrier device active Volray removed his other hand from his back and put them both up so they both know he wont do anything, though he could instantly make a sword if needed so his hands raised was just a simple gesture. "my barrier device should keep at least one sniper shot at bay and that is all I need,that is if the sniper is closer then I guess." Once he was at the end of the alley without getting around the corner he placed his hands on the ground. Shortly after a crysal wall rose from the ground closing the alleyway. "unless they got tanks or can fly, this should buy us some time" Volray turned to the 2 people "off course I am not familiar with these streets so perhaps there are more alleys connected to this one so... yeah, better make haste, you guys familiar with these streets or are we all going to get lost further on?"