[hider=Captain Lefors] Name: Alexandra LeFores Age:40 Race:Human Rank: Captain Skills: Statistical analysis, land navigation, navigation, astronavigation, zero-g combat, survival, EVA, EVA combat, oxygen conservation (pretty much standard to most military pilots) Navy History (ground and space), Naval & Aerospace combat tactics and strategy, gambling (cardsharp), combat sports (boxing/kickboxing), hand to hand: advanced (Navy combatives, supplemental civilian training) Away Mission Equipment: (In the unlikely event) Standard Aliance Combat Hardsuit Standard Alliance Battle Rifle Multispectrum handheld scanner vibro-knife any other equipment necessary for the mission Appearance: [img=http://application.denofgeek.com/pics/film/list/scfiwom/el.jpg] Quick-Bio: Alexandria, or Alex to friends, or those that know her well joined the Alliance Navy, originally as a candidate for combat flight school, and officer candidate training. Soon after she made the decision to be a career officer. She's worked her way through the ranks over the decades of service, distinguishing herself as a fighter jock, before being 'grounded' as she put it, after several years as CAG. She was brought into the position of an apprentice command officer, where her expertise was useful, but often was expected to watch and learn. Being something of a gambler, and with the killer instinct of a fighter, she was able to offer insight into opponents now and again, when to bluff, when to call the other's bluff. With a good head for statistical analysis, reading people, being something of a gambler, understanding chance and probability, and having the mentality of a street fighter, she was able to roll these all together, becoming a young commander with a solid head for strategy and tactics, and while tough in discipline, has often proved to be amenable to crew, viewing them as family. As such she is often well liked by her subordinates, and this has followed her into the later years of her command, now a seasoned captain. [/hider] [hider=Lt. Danvers] Name: Gabriel "Icebox" Danvers Age:27 Race:Human Rank: Lieutenant Skills: Away Mission Equipment: pilot soft suit, pilot sidearm, comlink, survival pack and ejection pod (in the case of actually ejecting) Appearance: [img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13399312/hat2.jpg] Quick-Bio: Joined the military just out of primary education, to get away from home. Wanted to be a pilot, and entered into flight officers school as a Marine, transferred to the navy, and is now CAG and Squadron Leader for Angel Squadron. [/hider] [hider=ANS Typhoon] The Delphi Battleship was designed to fill the gap between cruiser and dreadnought. It is meant to be nimble (for it's size), with the ability to handle a good amount of punishment and deal out withering amounts of firepower against single or multiple targets. It was given enough interceptors to keep it from being too weak against lighter craft. The designers favored the use of energy weapons, as the cost for their operation would be minimal, and would require less support crew, reducing operations cost overall. The Delphi class protects itself at short and midrange with Gatling railguns and particle beams against fighters and torpedos. Particle beam may be used at much longer ranges and in an anti-ship capacity, due to their variable power output. With a matter/anti-mater reaction system, it produces plenty of power for the ship in heavy combat operations, while needing little fuel space. There have been some talks about putting magnetic ramscoups on some designs to harvest matter and anti-matter while on long cruises to supplement fuel resources. This is still being discussed in committee. These ships are relatively simple in design, allowing them to be built quickly, as capital ships go. They are often built at one of three shipyards, Terra-Luna Drive Yards, a floating space assembly near Earth and it's moon, Olympus Station, near Jupiter and it's moons, and Ares Drydock, near the asteroid belt, making use of the materials mined from the nearby belt and :Mars. Others may be in production elsewhere, but currently there are a few in the works in the Sol system. Ship Designation: ANS Typhoon Ship Registry - NS 2187 Class: Delphi Class Battleship Role: Multiple roles Size Tonnage: 1000 tons Length: 950 meters (roughly), Beam (width): 273 meters, Height: 178 meters Propulsion Matter/Anti-Matter reactor Top Speed: Classified Sublight: Impulse Thrust --- Armaments: Particle Batteries (phaser strips) - (9) - Arranged along the long axis of the ship, fore, mid, aft, three strips each section, 120 degrees apart, like points of a triangle, creating 360 degree coverage on all sides with converging fields of fire. Typically favors muon particles, largest, heaviest, which provide optimal materials destruction as well as 50% pass-through in many cases. Range: 500 kilometers +/- 50 LBX Gatlin Railguns - (27) Type: Hybrid Turret RoF: Cyclic (2500-4200 rounds per minute, variable) Range: 10-20 km Primary Purpose: Anti-Interceptor Secondary: Anti-missile Payload: 2000 (Combat mix - explosive and armor piercing) Operation: Central Fire Control, Bridge Fire Control, manual backup, One gunner per weapon, or may operate fire-linked and in clusters, overlapping interlinked fields of fire Location, Covering hangar bays, nose section, engines, and along central axis to supplement particle batteries. Name: Photon/Particle Lance (1) Location: Axial mounted Purpose: Anti-ship, anti-planetary Range: 2000 km+ Operation: Bridge Firecontrol and Engineering Payload: NA Rate of Fire: Slow, (may fire at most 1 shot every fifteen seconds, but risks serious damage and overheating, or even catastrophic explosion. Optimally 1 shot per minute, still runs 'hot' but not dangerously so) Operation: MARA (Matter/Anti-Matter Reactor Assembly) begins to ramp up power as if preparing to transfer to FTL travel, but instead focuses the energy through magnetic constrictors, creating a release of a mixture of photons and subatomic particles. The beam is roughly one-hundred feet wide in the core, and travels two thousand or more kilometers. Is unlikely to hit anything less than capital ships, due to time required to fire, The weapon does have a secondary corona along the main beam, and is likely to also distort and ionize electronics. Near misses may still destroy armor and damage materials. The discharge lasts a few moments, up to fifteen seconds. A common tactic that might be used for such a weapon is to sweep an area, using attitude/reaction thrusters. Damage to each target is reduced, but may still be significant. Often used as a scare tactic, or to try to catch smaller targets off-guard, boil off armor and weapons, sensors, and blind enemy ships. Maneuver is difficult and requires precise timing between navigation, fire-control, engineering, and of course commanding officer. Takes a bit of prep. Recovery from such maneuver can take a minute or more between main engines and RCS. --- Armor & Defense Systems Armor: 2000 MM nano ferro ceramics, covering main hull Turrets: 40 mm carbon-ceramic nanoweave composite (light, tough, strong) Magnetic Shields - Designed to deflect micrometeorites, space dust, and may offer some protection against kinetic/ballistic weaponry. More effective against ion, plasma, and some particle weaponry, but not terribly so against particle weapons. Gravitonic Shields - Using a shell of gravitons, will deflect objects, and will disperse the energy of incoming directed energy weapons into space and along the surface of the shield. Some pass-through is possible. Shield Maximum Graviton Load (Continuous) 1865 MegaWatts Shield Maximum Energy Dissipation Rate 3.5x10^4 kilowatts Electronics Warfare Package - Provides electronic countermeasures against enemy combatants, namely against missile locks, and helping to prevent electronic/digital intrusions. Not impossible, but just more difficult. --- Sensors, Systems, Computers & Programs Basic Operations - All the typical needs to operate a ship of the class, including a 100,000 km comms system Advanced Sensor Package - A full suite of optics and sensors in all common spectrums, includes laser and radio telescopes, able to survey out to roughly four lightyears. Roughly 90% of ship is covered with cameras Motion Perimeter & Collision Warning System - Primarily used for docking, and port maneuvers, tight spaces. Military Sensor Array & Combat Computer - Pretty self explanatory, includes analysis and coordination, allowing a single communications officer to coordinate multiple combat elements, May not be used if working with Con-Com ship, but is a ready-backup. Targeting & Combat Computer - Can track 120 targets at 1000 kilometers, and can ident an additional 80 at roughly, 1400 kilometers. SARA - Stastical Analysis & Reactive Assistant. Ship's AI - Designed to help with tactical analysis, navigation, coordination, and more. Personality develops individually to each ship, captain, and crew. --- Auxiliary & Support Systems Crew Quarters - Several barracks style quarters in place, a number of two or four person dorms. Officers have individual quarters. Crew Recreation Facilities - Weight room, exercise room (open space, gymnastics, self defense, dance, and so on), mess hall, officers mess, running track, gaming/recreation room. Dining facilities have access to 'replicators' and protein resequences, but a small staff is on hand in the officers mess for the 'real deal'. Armory & Shooting Range Hangars:- 2 - Each hangar contains 2 shuttles and twelve interceptors, giving limited but decent intercept capability. (Angel Squadron and Wraith Squadron) Hard Suits & Soft Suits available on every deck, combat protocol all crew or as many crew as possible are expected to be suited up. Hull Breach Sealing System - Activates in the event of most breaches, but everyone is to be suited up, just in case they get sucked out. Atmosphere recyclers/scrubbers - self explanatory Atmosphere tanks - enough to last a few days in an emergency for the entire crew, most often used for helping cycle airlocks and refill suit tanks and the like FTL Accellerators - Allow rapid deployment into FTL travel, usually used for combat/emergency jumps. Escape pods and lifeboats - pretty self explanatory, short range, not meant for long term, varies based on how many are crammed into each. Self Destruct - Just overload the engines already... or have a containment failure on the antimatter bottles [img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13399312/battlecruiser.jpg] [/hider] [hider="Hammerhead" Interceptor] Ship/Craft: SA-43 "Hammerhead" Type: Endo-Exo Trans-atmospheric Attack Jet Primary Function : Deployment in combat missions (Combat Space Patrol), interception, Close Air Support (CAS) and Colonial Defense, but can also be adapted for SAR (Search and Rescue). Manufacturer: AeroTech Space Division Length : 11.5 m Height : 1.7 m Wingspan : 12.5 m Ferry range: Over 2,000 mega statue kilometres (1.242 million miles, roughly) Combat radius: N/A Fighter mission: N/A Attack mission: N/A Maneuverability: Propulsion : He3 fueled SCRAMjet (Supersonic Combustion RAMjet) Engines : SCRAMjet - enabling the SA-43 to fly from inside an atmosperic envelope to a transorbital fase right into ACM (Air Combat Manoevring, i.e. dogfighting), in the (almost complete) vacuum of space Armament : 1 x frontal, sub-nose gimbal-mounted electro-magnetic railgun (capable of covering a 50° kill-zone) 1 x dual-barrel aft-mounted railgun, mounted in a turret, capable of auto-target seeking and tracking Existing hardpoint configuration : 6 x hardpoints, capable of carrying: - a. Missiles : Spartan space-to-space missile - b. Bombs - c. Pods : for carrying special electronic Eqt or instrument modules Features: The SA-43 has various modular components, easily replaced in case of malfunction. The canopies are detachable, enabling the craft not only to dock on board carriers, but also on various types of space stations. The cockpit usually is lifted up to the flightdeck (hence smaller decks are possible). It also doubles as an escape pod in case of midair emergency. LIDAR : Laser Infrared Detection And Ranging. Long Range, configurable. Can track and engage up to 100 independent targets. HUD : Heads-Up Display. Mainly used for displaying flight parameters, navigational information and overall combat intelligence. ODP : Optical Disk Playback. Used for mission data recordings. Can be used lateron for mission evaluation. Crew: 1 Introduction date: N/A Unit Replacement Cost: N/A Mission: Specific SA-43 tasks include: - Intercept and destroy enemy craft in conjunction with ground or airborne fighter control under all-endo/exo conditions. - Conduct day and night close air support. - Conduct day and night deep air support. Deep air support consists of LIDAR search and attack, interdiction, and strikes against enemy installations using all types of weapons compatible with assigned craft. - Conduct armed escort of friendly craft. - Be able to operate from spacecraft carriers, advanced bases, and expeditionary airfields. - Be able to deploy or conduct extended range operations employing aerial refueling. Ship Appearance: [img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13399312/SAAB_SA-43_2.jpg] [img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13399312/sa_43_hammerhead_afterburner_1_by_lehthanis-d3dfp5w.jpg][/hider]