[center][b][i]The mysterious corn wielding stranger with a hat! ---------------------------------- Kiyomi Sato-Hon, Konohagakure Jounin of Team 2 and Hokage Apprentice. Just a day out.[/b] ------------ Summary :[/i] The first of my random writing moods post that actually survived and to be ever posted. I sometimes just decide to write a post for a hour and then check it on spelling and grammar mistakes, but also on if I use some more sophisticated and refined words in a correct way that still makes it enjoyable to read it, though I always delete them afterwards. After some argument, see the first hider, I have forfeited my chance of victory and this is a sign of my most humble defeat. Hope you like it as much as somebody else did.[/center] ------------------------------- * * * * ------------------------------- [hider=Proof] But know what? [12:26:28] Aliceee: You win. [12:26:36] Chrome: Curses [12:26:41] Chrome: I see your plan... [12:26:45] Aliceee: Hahahaha. [12:26:47] Chrome: Troublemaker [12:26:47] Aliceee: What plan? [12:27:00] Aliceee: I have literally no idea what you're on about now. [12:27:13] Chrome: I never win xD [12:27:29] Aliceee: But now you do. ^^ [12:27:41] Chrome: It's a trap! [12:27:42] Chrome: :P [12:27:49] Aliceee: Else I know a way to prove that you really won today. [12:27:51] Aliceee: One second. [12:28:30] Chrome: Chrome waits patiently, curious as to this strange proof she speaks of [/hider] ------------------------------- * * * * ------------------------------- [hider=The post/proof] Sitting in a meditation sit, Kiyomi held on to the Tiger Handseal. Slowly breathing in and out, she held her eyes closed. The sound of falling water surrounded her and she found it quite soothing. There was also another sound. A sort of hissing, but she paid little attention to it. Then slowly she took a larger breath in and out as she opened her eyes. Sitting on top of a rock, water was falling around her but not touching her. Like the water was gently trying to avoid her getting soaked. That wasn't however the case as there were some small signs of steam, water being evaporated before it could lay a touch on her. Then as she placed her hands on her lap, she tried to remain focus. She could clearly see the small changes with her sharp eyes and it was almost the downfall of her concentration. The water was able to get closer by as she undid the handseal. Staring at what happened, she then smiled. Finally she had managed what most would call useless, small and not really worthy striving for. Learning one of the basic principles of Fire Ninjutsu. Then she let her control slip as the water cooled her down. Closing her eyes again, she could remember the time back when she had requested Jinkama about teaching her the basic principles of Fire Ninjutsu. It had been quite simple, much easier than she first back then had assumed. Warming up tea. A rather useless ability for a shinobi, one that wouldn't have any use of warm tea in a fight. In a serious one, she thought with a giggle. Slowly rising herself up, she took a deep breathing while trying to focus back. It felt different. But then again, it was a different nature. Another element. Why she found it so soothing, Kiyomi wasn't sure. But as she thought about it, the soft hissing sound came back as her body temperature started to rise. Forming the Tiger handseal again, she started to focus again as she tried to keep her breathing regular. For several minutes she just stood there, trying to focus and maintain what she was doing. [i]I think that is enough for now.[/i] After the thought, Kiyomi would jump away from the rock. Landing on the small lake in front of the water fall, she walked towards the shore as she thought about it. The training she had been working on and doing wasn't one to improve her combat ability. Perhaps her control over Fire nature, but it wasn't directly aimed at that. She went to her shoulder bag, that she had laid on the ground before she had went to train. Bending through her legs to pick it up, she decided to take the towel out of the bag and inspect herself. Though her control was improving, it wasn't perfect. There were still some spots on her arms and left leg, on the knee, where the water had been able to touch her clothing. Storing the towel away, she decided to sit down. Turning around, she stared at the waterfall, thinking again. [i][center]If each element feels different and reacts different, what does that say? Does it mean that each person with a certain affinity is following that element? If so, wouldn't that mean that people wouldn't have an easier time to understand each other?[/center][/i] She didn't consider herself much of a philosopher or some wise sage. Or monk. The thought made her smile a bit as she pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them. What a sight that would be. Not that there was anything wrong with being dressed as a monk, she thought. But for some reason she saw herself with a shaved head and that was both scary as funny. How would Hiron and Keiko react to that, she wondered with a growing smile. Probably first be surprised and then be laughing for days. Would the others also laugh? That last thought made her a bit sad again. It gave raise to the memories she had of the people that weren't alive anymore. Even with the soothing scene of the waterfall, she couldn't push away the thoughts and memories. There were so many names already. Kaname, Katsuko and many more. And even some lived, but they were acting like they were already sort of dead. Leo. The name alone made her feel miserable. Right when she thought she had made some progress. Some sort of advancement towards her goal of becoming the next Hokage, that next person that would help everyone out. The leader that would try to keep everybody safe. How proud she felt when she had gained students, real official ones. The joy and pride were so great that she had almost been late. All because she couldn't have closed her eyes without giggling and being all excited about it. But now, after all what had happened, she was starting to question herself. Was she even a good sensei? Slowly, she brushed a few strands of hair behind her left ear, which reminded her of Hayate. [b]''Hay-ate.''[/b] She whispered, already forming a little smile. A name that somehow made her smile at almost any time of the day. He had grown into a fine shinobi, she thought. From the more introvert shy person into somebody that others would be able to rely on. Then she bursted out in laughter. [i]I think like an old woman.[/i] But as she stopped laughing, there was another student she thought of. [b]''Leo.''[/b] Somehow the smile vanished slowly. [b]''Leeee-oooo.''[/b] No, the little smile didn't come back and she knew why. Because it was her fault. Wasn't it a duty of a sensei to watch over the students of the team? To try to help them? Was lying and betraying, as she couldn't see it any other way, helping him? It certainly didn't help her to feel better about what had transpired lately. Perhaps he had grown a bit under her tutelage, but for what gain? He had resigned from being a shinobi and she couldn't blame him. If she had been only able to do something for him. For many others then she wouldn't be sobbing in her thoughts like this. Sighing out loud, Kiyomi pushed herself up from the ground. Dusting her clothes off, she glanced one more time at the waterfall. Then she turned around to walk back towards town. On her way, she took a calm pace as she wasn't in a hurry. With Hayate at the Chuunin exams and Tatsuya been given some time for himself, she had some more time for herself. Most members of the Guardians were at the exams and those who weren't, were too busy with their own teams or perhaps just doing at least something? For a moment, Kiyomi halted as a thought came up. [i]Perhaps I should use the Transformation Technique to look different today?[/i] She considered it. If she would just walk into town, people would recognize her. They would know that she was Kiyomi. But today she didn't want to be Kiyomi. A playful smile crept on her lips as she formed a plan. Why not go for a normal civilian today? But as she formed the required seals and moulded her chakra to form the Transformation Technique, Kiyomi stopped. [i]A name. I need a good name.[/i] Thinking about some, she then thought of a good one. [b]''Ni-ki. Niki.''[/b] She whispered, feeling somehow proud that she managed to come up with such a short, but nice name. No hidden meanings to the name or at least no intention to it. Using the technique, she would go for a bit smaller person with curly brown hair and a bit of paler skin. For a moment she wished that she had a mirror in her shoulder bag, but it just had to make due. ----------------------------------------------- [b]''That is all?''[/b] The man asked, politely, as she nodded. Naming the price, Niki pulled out her purse and took out the money. Exchanging it for some small bread, Niki turned around. Today's market was kind of busy, which had surprised her a bit. She had expected it to be a bit busier with the Chuunin exams. Taking a small bite from her sandwich, Niki started to walk again. There was a lot of interesting stands. Several times she stopped and genuinely interested looked around. [b]''This is real silver from the north. You like?''[/b] The vendor asked, seeing that Niki was looking interested at some wares of the man. A bit surprised, Niki let out a small laugh while raising her hand in front of her mouth. [b]''Sorry, but I am just looking. But they are from the north?''[/b] She asked, pointing with her other hand at some of the very small jewelry. The man nodded as he rubbed his hands. [b]''Yes, yes. I have family there, you see? Can I interest you in this bracer?''[/b] The man lifted up the bracer and showed it to her. Niki looked with a smile at the details and just listened to the man. If she would be Kiyomi, the man would probably treated her differently. Perhaps used some sign of honor or respect at the end of her name or something like that. Right now she wasn't even asked for her name. All she was for the vendor was just a girl that could be a potential buyer for the bracer. Taking the bracer in her own hands, Niki examined it further. [b]''What are these signs?''[/b] She asked, not able to read them. They weren't any normal writings. [b]''They are ancient. Yes, you see? Very ancient writings from the ancestors up in the far north, yes?''[/b] Was the reply of the man as he nodded several times while talking to Niki. Frowning, Niki took a look again. They had some crude look and weren't as refined as many other symbols or signs she had seen at other places. Yet, they were nice, like somebody had tried to use the best of some simple tools to carve and ensign the signs into the bracer. [b]''How much does it cost?''[/b] Niki asked and this caused the man to clap his hands as he gained a glint in his eyes. Only a few minutes later, Niki was walking away with the bracer in her left hand. It hadn't been that cheap, but she somehow felt happy. She had bought a bracer. Perhaps not an useful one to Kiyomi, but she could still like it, couldn't she? Then she decided it was perhaps a bit too ironic that she had to take a different name with her disguise. Glancing another time at the bracer, she wondered if the story was true or not. Not that she had much experience with the north. Only that she had been once up far north with Hideki during one of her own more covert missions. That made her wonder what had became of him. Hideki had always been a loyal friend, but they had lost touch when he had been requested to take up a position at an outpost. Was he still a genin or had he been able to become a chuunin along the way? Hopefully he was, cause then she had a nice gift for him. Storing the bracer away in her bag, Kiyomi smiled. Walking further at the market, she decided to buy a gift for two more people she cared about. As Kiyomi walked the market, disguised as ''Niki'', she thought about what she could buy. The market wasn't a good source to buy anything related to armor or weaponry. But Kensuke likely had also other interests, right? She thought about it. It was kind of hard as he had always been her kendo-senpai. But more did she know about him? He was the current clan leader in name of the Nimatsu clan, thus the actual leader of the Talon village. Which was a vassal of Konohagakure. Wait, no. She was trying to buy something for a friend and not to please a clan leader, she reminded herself off. Walking further, she looked left and right. For some reason, she thought he would like something practical. Something he would be able to use. Perhaps a new hat? They were practical at some times. Seeing a stall that was selling clothing, Kiyomi walked towards it. And if it were her lucky day, they were selling hats as well. While she searched for one, Kiyomi felt a bit funny. Most of the hats would look odd on Kensuke. Some had feathers or other colorful patterns. Perhaps he would like one of those? Yet they didn't seem that practical to her. Frowning, she then caught sight of a plain Buddhist monk hat. For some odd reason she could picture Kensuke with the hat, a straw in the right corner of his mouth and some ragged cloak. [i]The mysterious swordsman.[/i] The thought made her almost burst out in laughter as she wasn't sure if she should really consider that. But the thought made her buy the hat. Though it earned some surprise look from the woman who owned the stall, she managed to buy the hat some cheap price. It was after all an ordinary hat. For the time being she would place it on top of her head and felt the need for a straw or toothpick. Now it was time to look for a gift for somebody else. This time she didn't had to worry about anything practical. Just something fun. Only for some twisted reason, she couldn't come up with anything fun. Neither was she sure what sisters would buy for each other as a gift. [i]The mysterious small girl with a hat, sword and toothpick.[/i] The thought of seeing Midori as the version of the ''mysterious'' sword wielder made Kiyomi giggle. Though it would somehow be cool if that was the case. Could she then claim she was the sibling of the awesome mysterious sword wielding stranger? No, that would be a mouthful and people liked to nick things a bit shorter. At least, she did. Wandering around the market, she felt a bit disappointed. It was large, but she had seen most of it and there was nothing that she found fun or interesting enough to send towards Kumogakure for Midori. Not that she would need to send anything fast as the means of trying to pass something towards Midori would take quite some time, Kiyomi hoped that she could buy something for Midori now. It was refreshing and fun that people treated like she was just one of them. A normal civilian and not some infamous kunoichi. Then she gained an idea what she could buy for Midori. Turning around, Kiyomi looked around for a stand that she had seen earlier. [i]Hopefully she will love this.[/i] Kiyomi thought to herself with a growing smile. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]''Thank you, good man.''[/b] Smiling, she would part ways with the trader she had spoken. The man would go towards the north east to trade in the Frost country and said that he knew a good friend that would be able to try to get the gift towards Midori. His friend was a trader of Kumogakure's origin and Kiyomi had learned earlier that Midori had also gained some fame of her own. Now it was just waiting and perhaps one day she would get a reply back from her sister. Deciding to head home for now, Kiyomi lowered with her right hand the hat as she lowered her head a bit. Humming a soft tone, she would step aside for a bypassing cart. With a slow movement, she raised her arm a bit as the cart moved by. Taking a few steps again, she would raise her hand and glance back at the cart. One corn stalk could be missed, couldn't it? Turning around, she placed the stalk in the corner of her right mouth. Heading further down the road she started to think again. [i]Niki, the mysterious corn stalk wielder with a hat.[/i] [/hider]